Principal’s Report

Start to the year

It’s been a great start to the year for our students, who have been displaying our behavioural expectations of Aim High, Work Hard and Be Good to a high level since day 1.

I was excited to speak at the Year 7 assembly on the first day of school this year to this eager cohort of students as they began their secondary schooling at Elevation Secondary College. Our Year 7’s listened intently to key messages from our leaders about how things are done at Elevation, how to have success at our school and how to support other students to do the same.

I’ve been particularly impressed this year by our Year 10 and Year 11 students. Our Year 10 teachers have identified that the cohort has stepped up their work effort within their classes and are taking the year 10 program very seriously. I spoke with a student from year 10 just the other day who was enjoying every one of his six classes – mainly as they were subjects he had chosen to help him on his pathway.

Our Year 11 students similarly have displayed increased work effort as they begin their two year journey in the VCE. Our students studying the new VCE Vocational Major stream of the VCE have displayed a really strong willingness to work hard given the increased expectations of this certificate.

We’ve already had a range of different activities and events at the school this year to supplement our academic programs including school sport, ABCN leadership program and the Year 7 welcome BBQ. Our welcome BBQ has become an annual tradition and allows new parents and carers to meet teachers and school staff in a relaxed environment. Although it was a swelteringly hot evening, we still had a large number of families come and attend the BBQ and check in on their child’s start to the school year. Thanks to Ms Gorham and her team for their organization.

Principal's Report 1
Year 7 Welcome BBQ

Traffic Reminders

I recently sent out a Compass message to families regarding traffic near the school at drop off and pick up times. Thankyou to families who have taken on board the messages of safety first and have been able to modify their drop off or pick up to assist in reducing traffic close to the school.

The number of students and cars moving at the end of the school day is very high.

Some reminders:

  • Please drive safely when near the school.
  • Where possible, find a spot to meet your child away from the main entrances.
  • Encourage walking, riding and public transport.
  • Follow all directions from the crossing guards
Principal's Report 2

Student Learning Conferences

Our Student Learning Conference day for semester 1 will be held on Wednesday 27th March. While this is still some time away, I wanted to identify this day now as it is important. This is an important day where families can attend and have in depth discussions about their child’s learning and progress with their classroom teachers. The conferences are led by the students – who do a significant amount of preparation in the lead up to the event.  Bookings will open about 1 week prior to the event via Compass.

The Curriculum and Student Learning portion of this newsletter has an outline of all reporting methods used by the school which has been prepared by Mr Henderson.

Colin Burke

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