Year 7 Camp
Last Friday we welcomed back our Year 7 campers after a highly successful 3-day year 7 camp. Students participated in a range of outdoor adventure activities and from all reports had a great time. Camp Adanac was a new camp venue for us at Elevation and the staff who attended were quite impressed by the overall program, facilities and food. We’ll be looking to secure bookings as a long term year 7 camp option in the future.

Inter School Sports
We have had a range of sport teams heading out to represent the school right across term 1. This has been by far the most sport teams we have had participate since our inception as a school.
Thanks to Brandon Isaac for his overall coordination and leadership of the program and to our many staff who headed out as coaches across the term.
Student Learning Conferences
Wednesday 5th April is our first Student Learning Conference for the year. As usual, we encourage families to book in conferences with as many teachers as they can fit into their schedule – in order to gain a complete picture of their child’s development. We do ask that all families book in a conference with their Mentor Group teacher as a minimum.
Our students and teachers prepare for the conferences in some depth, to allow our students to lead the discussion of their learning.

Curriculum Day Report
Our most recent Curriculum Day was spent undertaking Day 3 of the Berry Street Trauma Informed Education Model training with our two local primary schools.
At Elevation Secondary College, trauma informed learning has formed a centrepiece of our school culture. In 2022 we committed to working with our two neighbouring primary schools; Keelonith Primary School and Aitken Hill Primary School, to collaboratively undertake the Berry Street Education Model training with all of our staff. Our long term goal is to build a community of learners who gain a more consistent schooling experience from Prep to Year 12 and improve the social-emotional and wellbeing outcomes of our entire community.
Last week we undertook our third day of training, focusing on the domains of stamina and engagement. We focused on pedagogical strategies that help improve of students’ motivation and willingness to learn in a classroom . Furthermore, we learnt about how to establish a growth mindset within students, emotional intelligence, and resilience.
The BSEM strategies form the core of our way of being as staff and we look forward to embedding and continuing this work within our school over many years.

Showcase Evening- Year 7 2024
Prospective families are invited to our Showcase Evening on May 1st, 2023.
It is a great occasion for you and your family to explore the college, and the numerous academic and enrichment opportunities available to our students.
Book your Showcase Evening tickets here.

By Colin Burke