Principals Report

Principals Report 1
Colin Burke

Student and Staff illnesses

We have had significant illness in the last couple of weeks impacting both staff and students. COVID-19 transmission in the community is still high and this has been compounded by other illnesses which are circulating widely. We have had several confirmed influenza infections at the school, as well as gastro and the common cold. These certainly are circulating within our community and student body at present.

We have air purifiers in every classroom, but without compulsory masks- there are few mitigation strategies available that aren’t already being used.

I would expect that the various strains of influenza:, common cold and COVID will continue circulating through the winter months.

We ask families to continue take precautions around illness. If your child is openly displaying cold and flu symptoms they should not attend school – even if they have tested negative for COVID.

Principals Report 2


Our NAPLAN participation and completion rate was exceptional this year. Matt Williamson and Alex Mangione did a great job in organizing the program and ensured that every student had the opportunity to sit the tests. After factoring in students who were withdrawn from the tests due to parent choice, we had 100% completion rates in years 7 and 9 (A pass rate for schools in terms of participation is 80%).

I do have some concerns regarding the online nature of NAPLAN. In our experience, online multiple choice tests often lead to students skipping through questions and generally not taking the tests as seriously as if it was on paper. Also, our Year 9s had not completed NAPLAN since grade 5. Many reported to us that they had been taught in primary school that it didn’t matter and they didn’t have to try. This is concerning from a school perspective and perhaps indicative of a community attitude we will need to change over time.

Senior School Information Night

Our Year 10 programs are very close to being completed. On the 1st of June from 6.30-7.30pm we will be holding a Senior School Information Night for our current year 9 cohort and their families, to talk them through our outline for year 11 and 12 and details for year 10.

Homework Club Parent Sign Up

As many of you know, Homework Club runs in the library for two afternoons a week and will be supported by teaching staff. Any student can attend Homework Club to complete homework, catchup on learning or complete some extra study.

There is now an option for parents to sign their child up to attend Homework Club. If you wish to sign your child up for Homework Club in any given week, please complete this brief form:

The aim of the form is to let our staff know which students are likely to be attending on any given night. You will still need to tell your child that you have signed them up and expect them to attend.

Year 7 2023 and School Tours

We have had hundreds of prospective families attend our Information events across terms 1 and 2. Our after school tours just wrapped up last week. It was great to talk to so many families about our school and their aspirations and ambitions for their children.

An additional tour has been added to the schedule for families that missed out. It will run on June the 16th and tickets can be booked on our website:

Enrolment applications are beginning to arrive. I would hope we have an update at the next Council meeting.

Principals Report 5

AFR Best Places To Work

Some of you might have seen that we were the winner of the Australian Financial Review Best Places to Work (Education, Not for Profit and Government category). This is a massive achievement for our school and is testament to the amazing hard work that our staff do each and every day here at Elevation. For context, this annual competition usually receives over 4000 entries from all over Australia and New Zealand.

Our staff love working here and educating our community.

Stage 2 Building Program

Our Stage 2 building works are continuing on-track, despite supply chain interruptions and COVID related issues. We are hoping that by term 3, our new hardcourts are completed which will add some welcome extra playing space for students. Depending on the weather conditions in early Spring, we are also hoping that our oval is ready for students at some stage in term 4.

At present our buildings are on track for practical completion in December, meaning we can prepare over summer and be ready for 2023.

Principals Report 6
Gymnasium, Performing Arts and Canteen construction

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