GOTAFE Taster Day
On Wednesday 24th May, Year 9 Students got to experience a variety of taster sessions for Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects, provided by the outreach service from GOTAFE. This included sessions in Early Childhood, Nursing, Information Technology, Hospitality and Animal Care, as well as information sessions on the VET process. We encourage our Year 9 students to reflect on what subjects they are interested in as they look towards future years at school or other education service providers.
Morrisby Testing
On the subject of looking towards the future and considering options, our Year 9 students began their Morrisby testing last week in Personal Development classes. They will have other opportunities to continue their profiling over the next few weeks and we strongly encourage students to continue to work on them at home. Only students who 100% complete the profiling quizzes will be able to receive their profiling results and be eligible for an interview with a professional careers advisor.
School for Student Leadership
In other news, we would like to congratulate Miley Bell and Emerson Sheahan from Year 9 who are currently attending the School for Student Leadership (Snowy River Campus) in rural Victoria. This term, while continuing with normal classes at Snowy River, they are also taking part in exciting outdoor education activities and working on leadership and community projects alongside students from other schools in Victoria. This is an opportunity that we are hoping will be available to current Year 7 and 8 students when they reach Year 9. You can keep up to date with their progress and news from the School for Student Leadership. Click here for more details.