Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing

Athletics Carnival

Elevation ran its first Athletics Carnival on May 31st! This was a very exciting event to add to the school calendar and the first time that we ran an event with our new Elevation Houses.

As part of the House Design competition that was run earlier this year, we are very pleased to announce that House designs were completely designed by a student at the school! Well done to Lithusha in Year 9 for submitting the successful designs for all 4 Houses.

Students have also had the opportunity to design house flags for each of the houses as a lunch time activity. Thank you to all the students and teachers that have participated in this over the last 3 weeks during their lunch time breaks.

Being prepare for classes

As we approach the end of Semester 1, it is important to check in with students to make sure that they have all of their equipment. Equipment can get lost or books can be completely used up. Check in with children to ensure that they have a book for every subject and if they need to refill their pencil cases with new pens. Diaries are also crucial for filling in when to complete homework, keeping their timetable and using this to be checked out of the classroom. Please check all of these items to make sure your child is as prepared as they can be for their classes.


Reclink Girl’s sports club is running Friday lunchtimes in the school gymnasium, all female students welcome! We recognise that female adolescents typically have less access to organized sports, and we are so grateful to Reclink for providing our students with an inclusive and fun environment to be active. 

Being physically active can support improvements in:

  • Sleep
  • Appetite
  • Focus and concentration
  • Emotion and mood 
  • Social interaction
  • Self confidence

Adolescent Health Nurse message on Vaping:

Schools across Victoria are playing their part in preventing young people from taking up Vaping by educating students on the health benefits of NOT starting to vape or QUITTING vaping. Schools focus on this issue as it is a widespread health issue for teenagers, as recent surveys of Australian teenagers indicate that up to a third (32%) have ever vaped. This number seems to be climbing as Vapes become easier to find and buy, leading to teenagers developing Nicotine Dependence due to the high levels of Nicotine and other chemicals in Vapes. Many vape devices contain high level nicotine even when they are labelled nicotine free. 

Nicotine dependence can develop very quickly with signs including:

  • Irritability
  • Poor focus/difficulty concentrating 
  • Lack of control over emotions
  • Poor sleep
  • Headaches, nausea and vomiting
  • Breathing difficulties 
  • Poor school performance due to Nicotine cravings affecting attendance and learning 

A reminder that Victorian Law states that it is illegal to smoke or vape on schools grounds or within 4 meters of school entrances. Despite it being illegal for people under 18 years of age to buy a Vape or e-cigarette device, we know that young people are still finding access to these devices. Breaking vaping laws at school results in suspension for students who break this law.

A note on Safety: E-liquids can poison children and adults through swallowing or skin contact; keep devices out of reach of small children as they are at risk if they were to find a vape device and chew on or swallow parts of a vape device. Symptoms of nicotine poisoning include sweating, dizziness, vomiting and increased heart rate. If you suspect a child has touched or swallowed e-liquids from inside an e-cigarette, you can call the Victorian Poisons Information Line (VPIC). When you call the VPIC, trained staff will give you first aid information, and tell you if you need to call an ambulance or refer you to a doctor for treatment.

Please reach out to school wellbeing team or year level coordination team if you have any concerns about your child using a vape or e-cigarette device. There are many steps we can take to support a young person to stop vaping and there are no legal consequences for a young person asking for help to quit vaping. 

For more information please contact: 

Quit Victoria:13 7848

Victorian Poisons Information Line: 13 11 23

Kids Health Information : E-cigarettes and teens (rch.org.au)

For parents – Lung Foundation Australia

Students are also able to access QUIT support from adolescent Health Nurse Lauren Turnbull at school, or their Doctor

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