30-Day Challenge – Treating all members of the ESC Community with respect
From Week 6 – Week 9 of Term 1 our students and teachers participated in the first College 30-Day Challenge. For 30-Days, students focused on treating all members of our school community with respect. This challenge also saw students create scripts that they would feel comfortable in using with one and other when addressing disrespectful language or behaviour, as well as ways to continue demonstrating respect. All students were given a ‘Gratitude Bingo Card’ in Mentor Group, students had the opportunity to tick off boxes within their Gratitude Bingo Card when displaying a respectful gesture/behaviour.

Over 1000 Aspire points were awarded to students throughout the 30-Day Challenge. Congratulations to 7B and 8F for accumulating the most Aspire points out of all of the Mentor Groups.
Lunchtime Activities
This Term, we launched Lunchtime Activities for our students. It has been fantastic to see many students attending and participating in a range of extra-curricular activities. These groups have included:
- Debating Club
- Arts Club
- Maths Club
- Fitness Club
- Stand Out Club
- DJ Club
- Games and Chess Club
- Anime/K Pop Club

Have a go – you might find you really like something you had never thought of doing before.
Devices in bedrooms
Last newsletter we spoke about the importance of sleep. One major cause of lack of sleep is devices in bedrooms including phones, iPads, laptops, gaming consoles and TVs. These devices emit blue light that tricks the brain into thinking it is daytime. It tells the brain it needs to stay awake, which makes falling asleep afterwards difficult.
Lots of families have experienced success by having a rule that everyone charges their phones in the one spot in the house overnight and everything is plugged in one hour before bedtime. The first few nights are the most challenging, but when families are strict and consistent, it will become the new normal. (Don’t give in otherwise the process of change starts again). The benefits of this are obvious including increased motivation, calmer conversations and increased focus at school.