
Semester 1 Awards
Friday June 24 the students will have year level assemblies to celebrate students successes throughout Semester 1 and watch the first ever live performance from our school band.
On top of the Aspire and Attendance awards, we also celebrate students that have embodied the school values of Aim High, Work Hard and Be Good.
Excellence Awards
These students are the highest scoring students in the particular subject across all mentor groups. This is based on Learning Task scores for the semester. They embody the value of Aiming High.
Diligence Awards
This award is given to the students that has shown the most growth, the greatest application and dedication towards their studies. They embody the behavioural value of Working Hard.
Community award
This student is always willing to pitch in and help any member of the community. They show a strong student voice in the school, are an upstander and are respectful to those around them. They embody the behavioural value of Being Good.

Take a Break
Students are welcome to join a new lunchtime activity called ‘Take a Break’ in C4 . It will run every Friday during lunchtimes. Lauren, our school nurse has created a space for students to practise mindfulness and also to talk through student questions about health, stress and friendships. The space is limited to 15 students and they will enter on a first come, first served basis.

Above is existing Lunchtime Club and Activities roster so if students haven’t already tried out one of these activities or clubs, now is the time!
Koorie group
‘NAIDOC’ week is about celebrating and recognising the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.
Koorie group celebrated this day on the 22nd June by making Kangaroo Burgers. Each student worked really hard on their burgers and they where delicious.

Koorie Group have been learning about traditional foods and planning about how to celebrate culture at school’. Justine Fry 8C
Library Update: 1000 loans!
As of Wednesday, the library officially hit 1,000 loans thus far this year. This number reflects books borrowed by the students, from the Elevation fiction and non fiction collections. I have also received well over 50 different book requests, many of which have already been fulfilled, meaning that students are directly contributing to the development of the library collection.
It is great to see such active engagement with the library. If you haven’t borrowed from us yet, a good place to start exploring is on the library website.

The site can be accessed from:
- Elevation SC Managed Bookmarks or
- the Compass Star Menu
Students should click ‘Sign in with Google’ to log in.
There’s a story for every student, whether it’s already on the shelves or waiting to be added at your request!
- With one week left before holidays, it’s important that any overdue books are returned.
- You can check if you have any overdue loans by logging into the library website and checking the ‘My Borrowing’ section under the Elevation logo.
- You can also check your school emails for overdue notices.
- Books can be put in the returns chute located next to the library entrance.
Soccer Lunch Time Activities for Term 3

We have partnered with Melbourne Victory Football Club to run some drills, activities and games during lunchtimes starting in term 3. This will be open to all students who are interested in joining. It is a great opportunity if you are a beginner at soccer or you have been playing for a while and would like to get some feedback from a high level coaches.
If you are interested in participating in this program, please fill in the form below:
https://forms.gle/G2QMub3U5nQC5V3G7 or email Mr Issac
- Due to the fact that this event is held outside school grounds, sign up has to be completed using the above form.
- Please understand that this is not associated with interschool sports, anyone interested in joining is welcome.
- The lunchtime sessions will be run on the same day your year level has PE practical sessions.
Food Technology
Our first semester of Food Technology has gone off with a bang. Students have been working hard to create healthy family meals with a focus on food safety and hygiene. We have been using lots of fruits and vegetables in our cooking at both year 7 and 9.
We are extremely proud of the work our current students have put into their Food Technology classes. With many students saying ‘wow, this is actually good’ and ‘I can’t believe I made this,’ we have seen increases in confidence and time management skills. The highlight of the term was the final design task, where students were asked to create a multicultural pie filling inspired by a country of their choice.

Students were able to practice their writing, teamwork and communication skills to create successful pies that they shared with their peers and staff members. I don’t think that many of our recipes are making it home, as students have been eating their food at school or sharing it with others
We hope they are practicing these skills at home and cooking for their families. We are looking forward to the rest of the year 7 and 9 students completing Food Technology in Semester 2.