Elevation Community News

End of Term Book Returns

All library books must be returned by Friday June 16, 2023

There are still a number of overdue loans from Term 1, particularly from Year 7 students.

If you have a student in Year 7 please check in with them to see if they have any library books, as it is likely they are overdue and the students will have been receiving email reminders about them.

We do not charge late fees, so students should not be put-off returning books, and if books are lost or damaged, we ask that students let the library know so as soon as possible so that we can replace them.

  • Students may borrow over the holidays, but only once they have returned existing loans.
  • Check Elevation email for overdue notices and return books by Friday 16 June.
  • Mentor group teachers will be provided with lists of outstanding loans and will be following up during mentor group sessions.

Canteen Ordering

We are pleased to advise our families that the College Canteen is open. It will be operated by Bocca Foods.

Attached to this news feed is the menu which is being offered.  All orders can be placed online on www.boccafoods.com.au.

Register your child/children. Enter their Year Level, in the box which reads Classroom will be their mentor group.  All of which is found on Compass. 

You can order students lunch by 9am and pay online.

”Bocca Foods prefer online ordering.”  This assists with ordering and catering, and will reduce lines and waiting time for food.

Lunch can be purchased from the counter using CASH and EFTPOS

STRICTLY NO PAYMENTS BY MOBILE OR SMART WATCHES.  Under Ministerial Order phones must not be used and will not be accepted.

We are also teaching students how to use the canteen space appropriately and respectfully. 

Canteen Notice

Recently, some students have been bringing in $100 notes to purchase food from the canteen. Just a reminder for students to please bring in ONLY small denominations as it will make it easier for our canteen team. Thank you.

Early Leaving Policy

School attendance is very important.
Students are required to attend school for the entire day. If there is an unavoidable reason for a student to leave school early on a particular day (such as for a medical appointment) a signed note from home must be provided.
Pickup times should coincide with recess and lunch.

  • Student brings a note from home explaining the absence and the intended departure time (recess or lunch). The note must be signed and dated by a parent/guardian
  • Student presents the note from home to the Mini School Admin Office before Mentor Group.
  • Student receives a signed Early Leaver note from the mini school.
  • At recess or lunch – the student brings the early Leaver note to the Administration Office and signs out.
  • Student is picked up

If a pickup time can only be during a timetabled period, the student must show their signed Early Leaver note to their classroom teacher at the designated time and then present to the office to be picked up.
School staff will not be collecting students from classes during timetabled periods.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they arrive at the office for pickup at the designated time.
Learning is extremely important at Elevation Secondary College. Please note that staff cannot collect your child or put an announcement over speakers during class time.

Recess and Lunch Times
Recess –  10:56 – 11:24am
Lunch – 1:20 – 2:02pm

Elevation Online Safety Hub Article of the Month

Being excluded online

“Everyone else has Snapchat!” “I’m getting left out because you won’t let me have TikTok.”

You may have heard multiple variations of these pleas from your child and you’re certainly not alone. Here are our top tips for managing device-driven nagging.

Click here to read this article.

Written by Online Safety Expert & Psychologist, Teodora Pavkovic

Elevation Community News 1

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