It is hard to believe that we are halfway through 2024 already! Many students have used the beginning of the semester to make sure that they are beginning fresh and making the most of every minute of learning. We have had some great focus in class with students at all levels displaying the Behaviours of Aim High, Work Hard and Be Good every lesson.
A reminder about learning behaviours.
Learning behaviours are measured several times a term at Elevation Secondary College. This means that teachers assess students as;
0 = Never
1= Rarely
2 = Sometimes
3 = Often
4 = Always
These learning behaviours are measured for each subject.

This is the learning behaviour report for a student in one subject. Report from the first three weeks of Term 1 (1 T1 24) to the final learning behaviour report just before the break at the end of Semester 1.
The orange shows the “Aim High”.
The blue shows how well the student was able to “Work Hard” during the period indicated.
The grey shows the students overall performance in “Being Good”.
Together these three measures can tell the story of a student’s ability to push themselves, and behave in ways that benefit them and fellow students.
In the example above, the student has shown a decline in the behaviours that will lead to positive outcomes.
Family talking openly about these results can have a powerful impact on students.
So how should I interpret these scores?
Firstly, focusing on the behaviours that we know lead to outcomes can sometimes be much more helpful that focussing on “results”. The good news is that most teenagers undergo leaps in maturity during this time, and reflecting on what the learning behaviours are, and discussing the impact on the student, other students and the school community, can lead to the types of reflection that can impact positive change.
It is also useful to have regular discussions around the results. Teachers will pick up patterns of behaviour and looking at the “overall trend” can be a powerful way of tracking progress.

By scrolling down, families can see the overall averages from all classes. This is a very powerful measure because many teachers have independently fed in these results.
In this example, the student had a series of lower results, but powerful built black up to an average of 3.61 after a low of 2.75.
This is a fantastic effort over one term, showing a significant turnaround that will impact on all aspects of the students outcomes.
Please take some time to visit the REPORTING page in compass, and explore these results.
Matt Williamson
Performance & Pedagogy Learning Specialist