Curriculum & Learning Report

Curriculum & Learning Report 1
Rachelle Cole


The English and Literacy Team at Elevation is dedicated to supporting students who experience challenges with reading and writing. To address literacy challenges, we have implemented diverse programs tailored to the unique needs of each year level, ensuring that each student receives the specific support they need to access the grade-level curriculum and succeed academically.

Students in years 7 and 8 who are experiencing challenges with recognising and sounding out words undertake a phonics program called MacqLit. Macqlit is an evidence-based explicit and systematic reading intervention program. It provides a comprehensive sequence of lessons that includes all the key components necessary for effective reading instruction. 

Year 7 and 8 students who need support with reading stamina and comprehension join our weekly small group reading sessions in the library. These students are supported by a highly-qualified Literacy Aide to read and understand a novel and respond in a reading journal.

In addition, students in the Year 9 Literacy Program meet regularly in small groups with an English teacher to read and discuss the texts they are reading in English. The aim of this program is to ensure that year 9 students are prepared for and feel confident in their English classes. 

At Elevation, we understand the importance of supporting every student’s potential. Our dedicated English and Literacy Team are committed to providing support to ensure your child thrives academically. 

The English and Literacy team encourages all students to read at home every night for at least 20 minutes, especially if they are experiencing difficulties with their literacy, and to seek support if they need it.

Literacy Program Parent Information Session

The Literacy team will be hosting an information evening for parents and guardians of students enrolled in the Year 7 and 8 Literacy program. The sessions aim to encourage family involvement with student literacy goals.

Attendees will be guided through how to access the ePlatform phonics program and decodable readers. They will also be provided with a recommendation for how their child should use the program at home, plus a starter pack of complementary worksheets so students can continue their learning during the term holidays.

Date: 26 June 2024

Time: two sessions available, 3:30pm and 5pm.

Location: ESC Library.

Compass notifications will be sent out next week.

Curriculum & Learning Report 2
Curriculum & Learning Report 3
Meg Nicholas

Rachelle Cole

Learning Specialist- Literacy & PLCs


The Humanities faculty has been very excited to see our first VCE Units 1 and 2 subjects begin running this year. There are lots of fantastic opportunities for students to study different Humanities subjects in the Senior year levels.

Curriculum & Learning Report 4

During Semester 1, Year 7- 9 students study History in their Humanities classes. This includes the study of Ancient China, Vikings, Shogunate Japan, the Industrial Revolution and World War I. Students in Year 9 have been working hard to write essay paragraphs about the effects of WWI on Australian life.

In Semester 2, students will study different geographical topics such as liveability, urbanisation, natural disasters, biomes and water use in Australia. During our Geography studies many students will be able to attend excursions related to the topics that they are learning about in the classroom.

Throughout these studies, students will regularly use their ‘Good Humanities’ textbooks in class. These books have a variety of rich, engaging sources and information about the topics. Each page has questions to support learning and challenge students to engage in the topics. The books also have a unique code that allow students to access these texts at home. The Humanities faculty encourage students to complete additional work at home by reading the textbook and completing the Learning Ladder activities. This is an excellent example of study and revision that a student can do at home.

Curriculum & Learning Report 5

Meg Nicholas

Learning Specialist- Humanities & PLC

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