Curriculum and Student Learning

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Matthew Williamson
Curriculum and Student Learning 2
Alex Mangione

This year we have been focussing on the basic processes that lead to outstanding student progress. Often in education, there can be a lot of focus on outcomes and marks. These are important, but a focus on these outcomes does not help students achieve. 

Instead, we need to focus our students on the elements of what it is to be a successful student in the first place. Our college behavioural expectations are the key. 

Aim High, Work Hard, and Be Good.

Aim High

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Students Aiming High are asking for extra work. They are redrafting based on feedback, they are correcting errors and are pushing beyond “just enough”. Many of the students we have that are “Aiming High” are happy to receive high marks, but also, push themselves to work at an even higher level than is expected at that age and stage.

Students who are catching up but are “Aiming High” take responsibility for their learning. They communicate with teachers about each piece of work. They take pride in their work and aim to make each effort better than the last.

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Work Hard

Students Working Hard have a constant focus on the work at hand. These students are participating in class discussions, and are coming prepared for class with the materials they need. Students who work hard at ESC have books open at the beginning of class and are focused on completing each and every assignment. 

Be Good

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Students Being Good still having fun in class, but they are behaving in ways that are respectful to themselves, classmates and teachers. They understand that being good creates an environment for learning, where they can thrive. 

How Do I Know if a student is Aiming High, Working Hard and Being Good?

This year, Elevation Secondary College teachers are recording learning behaviours every fortnight;

4 = ALWAYS displays this behaviour

3 = USUALLY displays this behaviour

2 = SOMETIMES displays this behaviour

1 = RARELY displays this behaviour

0 = NEVER displays this behaviour.

These measures are available under the REPORTING tab on compass. 

Each subject is listed and each bar graph represents a different learning behaviour. Orange is for  Aim High, blue is Work Hard, Grey is Be Good. 

At the bottom of this page is a graph that charts the overall level of the students’ learning behaviour, across all subjects, and across all three behaviours.

Combined – this forms a powerful tool for students, carers and teachers.

Year 9 Camp 2022

Elevation Secondary College has secured a FREE CAMP for year 9 students as part of the government’s Positive Start Response to COVID. Students will stay at the Golden Valleys Camp in Flinders. Please click on the following link for more information about Golden Valley Camp.

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The Year 9 Camp is an important part of the 2022 learning program:

Firstly, students have had limited opportunities to connect with their peers and school staff in a less academic environment since COVID. Wellbeing is beneficial to build strong relationships and a sense of belonging. At camp, students will undertake activities that will build their leadership skills, teamwork skills and self-confidence.

Secondly, Year 9 students will be undertaking exams from the end of this year. Preparation for this is crucial. Students will undertake learning activities to improve their ability to revise, prepare for exams, create homework routines and skills in sitting exams with success.

Places are strictly limited, therefore students will be granted a free place on the camp according to the following criteria:

1. Permission for the camp must be submitted on Compass, medical information updated, current action plans / medication plans sent to the school.

2. Students displaying our school values – Aiming High, Working Hard, Being Good. Students who do not demonstrate these behaviours will not be guaranteed a spot on the camp and their place may be shifted to students displaying these behaviours.

3. Once 105 student places have been taken, a waiting list will be created.

Students not attending the camp will have an alternative learning program offered at the school.
Alternatively, if students are 15 years of age or older, students are encouraged to organise work experience for this week. Forms for this are available in the coordinators office.

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