Opportunities for Extension and Enrichment this Year
We have returned to school with a sense of enthusiasm and possibility for our expanded academic extension and enrichment program. There is something for everyone this year! You can read more about our College programs and look out on Compass for a range of experiences and competitions offered this year.
Year 7 and 8 Extension Classes – Logic and Discourse
These classes are advanced and challenging, but they are not just accelerated curriculum. Our intention is to extend high ability learners and engage students in valuable and rigorous curriculum connections to academic disciplines that otherwise wouldn’t encounter until VCE or university. We are running expanded programs this year, acknowledging that it was challenging for students to get the full experience online in 2021. Students apply via an online application form published on Compass. Students will be selected on a range of criteria including: passion for the field, academic performance and work habits. Students may wish to apply and are eligible for both.
Discourse – Applications Open Week 8 Term 2
This class covers Politics, Philosophy and Economics where students explore classical ‘big ideas’ in democracy, political theory and culture. The class is structured around debates and critically analysing contemporary issues.
Students apply via an online application form published on Compass
What Did This Look Like Last Year?
Students applied their skills in stakeholder analysis, critical thinking and advocacy to argue for a policy reform in front of three judges, two representatives from the Victorian Government and Principal Colin Burke. Students presented on an exciting range of topics, from raising the age of criminal responsibility to banning homework to reforming the UN Security Council.
Damla, who is now in 9C, was judged the winner. She gave a compelling case to better address bullying and abuse in professional sports.

Logic – Applications Closed for 2022
This class gives students the chance to engage with applied and advanced Mathematical concepts, proofs and logic that we don’t usually get to explore in Years 7 – 10. Students will also enter the Australian Maths Competition, Mathematics Olympiads and engineering challenges.
Students in Logic accelerate their mathematics as well as apply their skills in new ways. For example, algorithms are used in coding and robotics.
Year 9 Extension Classes – Semester 2
Elements of Science, Engineering, History and Literature are accelerated in our Year 9 Elective classes in Semester 2. Students expressed interest in these subjects as part of their subject selections last year. If your child is new to the school, or has gained an interest and passion in these areas. Please get in touch with their mentor group teacher.
Debating and Public Speaking
The Debating Association of Victoria is hoping to return to in-person competitions this year. Students in Year 7 and 8 will be notified of the opportunity to debate in-person against other schools at the start of Term 2.
Student Clubs and Activities
All students are welcome to join a range of lunchtime clubs and activities at lunch time. All clubs have an enrichment component, for example learning Chess or using a laser cutter while offering students the chance to follow their own passions and socialise at the same time. Clubs are published on students’ Compass and displayed on posters around the school.
Please contact your child’s mentor group teacher if you would like more information or request your child attend.