This term, we have renewed our focus on growth in Mathematics. After settling into face-to-face learning again, students have been encouraged to look at the gaps and next steps in their maths learning on Maths Pathway.
Throughout the year, students have been using the Maths Pathway (MP) digital resource for personalised maths practice and homework. One of the best features of MP is that it helps students practice the maths skills that build up to the work that they are doing in class, and for many students, allows them to practice and extend themselves.

At the end of Term 4, Maths teachers have noticed that many students should be spending more time on their individualised Maths Pathways modules. This is partly because it’s an important way to make up for lost time during lockdown, but also because Year 8 students in particular are not too far away from needing to identify pathways-based maths to enrol in for Year 10. It’s so important for students to work hard and catch up now, so that they have as many options as possible in later years. This includes demonstrating the skills necessary for vocational courses. It’s also a key part of aiming high – students who are aiming to undertake subjects that lead to University courses – ranging from nursing through to engineering – require students demonstrate a certain level of maths to be accepted into the course.
Families are encouraged to ask students: How are you going with Maths Pathway? Students can share their progress with you! You can look out for students’ growth – they should be doing enough work and practice to grow at least 100% per cycle – maybe more depending on the gaps they are filling. There are instructional videos and supports within the program to help students if needed.
To support students’ efforts in Maths Pathways, they will have more time in class to complete modules with teacher assistance. We are also holding Maths support at homework club on Tuesday afternoons where Maths teachers are on hand to help students who may be hitting a wall on a particular question set.