The Purpose Of Learning.
As we head toward the end of the year it is important to stop and reflect on “learning” and why we come to school in the first place. Learning is the practice of developing skills and building knowledge. It requires focused work. Students sometimes say things like “When will I use this in the real world?” or “Why are we learning this?”
In reality, while the curriculum is separated into subjects, all of the skills and knowledge in each subject builds into a broad “education” that supports students in adult life and in the workforce. Critically, the process of learning information and skills is, in itself, one of the most important life skills that can make students employable in future adult life.
Elevation Secondary College reports on “Learning Behaviors” of Aim High, Work Hard, Be Good, every two weeks. This data is available under “reports” on compass.
Carers and Students can reflect on this process of learning by considering the long term results on compass.
Improvement in these outcomes is the foundation of learning and student growth.
Here a student has gradually improved their performance overtime in Maths – to the point where they are almost “always” aiming high working hard and being good.
Here – the same student has shown improvement across the year, before a dip at the end of term 3. Then, the student had made a huge effort to rebuild their learning behaviors.
Student Leadership
We have had another exciting month in student leadership at Elevation Secondary College. We have finalised the voting for next year’s Mentor Group representatives, with successful students notified by email. Each Mentor Group will have two representatives for 2023, who will help with communicating key information to and from their peers. We had our first welcome meeting with these students on Monday the 21/11.
Some of our 2022 SRC members were volunteering within our community this week, helping year 6 families navigate the school for our interview afternoon on Tuesday (22/11). These students demonstrated good communication skills, relationship skills and leadership capacity. All students have been awarded Aspire points, and we are thankful for their positive contribution towards the ESC community.
We are looking forward to confirming the student leadership group for 2023, and want to congratulate and thank the current SRC group for their contributions and enthusiasm.
Miss Julia Rossi/SRC coordinator
Year 9 Food Technology
Year 9 Food Technology students have been working on presentation this week, making café quality Corn Fritters.
Featured here is the work of Ahmad and Omar from 9E. They added colour by using spring onion as a garnish and presented on our new presentation plates.
All families are reminded that students can access recipes cooking in Food Technology from the google drive. We hope our students keep up the good work (and maybe even cook for their families at home)!