In 2025, we welcome 30 teachers and seven Education Support staff to Elevation. That brings us to a full complement of staff to match our complete 7 to 12 school. On Tuesday 10 December, we met with new staff to induct them into the college community. New staff actively participated in induction activities and began preparing to perform their 2025 duties at the highest standard. The induction program continues on Day 1 of the school year and continues in professional learning sessions throughout the year.
After a long year, it’s important to look back and reflect. A lot of students have made significant progress in their schooling and are setting themselves up for future success. All students should be asking:
- Did I aim high enough that I pushed my abilities and achieved beyond what I thought possible?
- Did I set my expectations of myself too low?
- Did I let my standards slip and accept ‘good enough’?
Whatever your answers, there is always room for improvement. There are some things that can be done over the summer holiday period to prepare yourself for the next year level in the best possible way.
- Complete your holiday homework and read your English novels as soon as you can. The sense of relief to know you now have the holidays to relax from that point onwards can be very satisfying.
- Take some time to spend with your family and friends. Term time gets very busy. Take some time to connect and talk with friends and family. Go for a walk, a drive, cook some food together or do something that allows you to talk and spend time together.
- Two weeks before school returns, try on your uniform, go shopping for your exercise books, pens, pencils etc. If you have been staying up later than usual, start going to bed and getting up at the same time as you would in term time. For high school students, at least 9 hours is required for the brain to work well. School arrival time is 8:30am, work your way back from there. For most students, they need to go to bed around 9:30pm in order to get enough sleep.
- Do a ‘Digital Detox’ – spend some time away from your phone / device. Hours and hours can be lost scrolling aimlessly through pointless videos. Put the phone away for the day and connect with people instead of via devices.
- The night before school starts, ensure your uniform is out, your school bag is packed, help out parents/carers to get younger siblings prepared as well so that the morning is less stressful. Decide on your breakfast the night before and make sure you know what you’re having for lunch the next day.
We hope everyone has a restful break and we are excited for the new year, when we have our first full 7-12 school!
Andrew Stock, Kyle Schutz, Samantha Steinkrug, Natalie Conboy & Angela Lane
Assistant Principals