Winter Uniform Items

As we head into the colder months in Terms 2 and 3, families should check they have enough winter uniform, specifically Jumpers and Blazers.
State Schools Relief is available for family’s needing support in purchasing their items. To inquirer about Sate Schools Relief support please contact the College front office.
The Uniform shop operates from the College every Thursday from 1pm-4pm. No appointment is necessary.
Sustainable Schools

The College is conscious of the need to provide an efficient process for families to be able to buy and sell their second- hand textbooks, uniforms and other student resources.
That is why we are delighted to be able to provide parents with the ability to buy and sell their second-hand items via the Sustainable Schools website:
So far the results have been very good and we encourage families to take advantage of this method of buying and selling second-hand items.
Bicycle Helmets

It has come to our attention that a number of students that ride to and from school each day have not been wearing their helmets.
All bike and scooter riders are required to wear a bike helmet in Victoria.
Mandatory bicycle helmet laws were introduced in July 1990. This applies when riding:
- on roads and road-related areas
- on bike and shared paths
- in bike lanes
- in recreational parks
- in car parks
- on footpaths.
Police can stop bike and scooter riders and issue a fine or a warning for not wearing an approved bicycle helmet.
For more information and about bicycle helmet laws in Victoria and exemptions please see the website below:
Our School is Becoming ResourceSmart
This year our school is taking action to become more environmentally sustainable through a Victorian Government initiative called ResourceSmart Schools.
ResourceSmart Schools is a program that helps our school embed sustainability in everything we do. We are aiming to reduce our resource use (like electricity, waste water) plus support indigenous plants and animals. This will also help us to save money. We also want to involve students, families and other members of our school and local community.

We are working with Ms. Kelsey Smith from CERES Community Environment Park on the actions of the Core and Waste Modules.
This year, we are aiming to create a strong foundation for our sustainability program, continue to build on our sustainability achievements, monitor our resource use by using a free website called ResourceSmart Online, get our community involved, participate in exciting events, supporting our students, including sustainability in our curriculum.
We can’t wait to… share our achievements with you, reduce our school’s impact, help make the Earth a better place for all, contribute to a sustainable future for all.
Read more about ResourceSmart Schools at