Principal’s Report

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Student Learning Conferences & Subject Selection Days

Our Student Learning Conference Program is a well established learning activity at Elevation Secondary College. Our students and teachers prepare for the conferences in great depth, which allows our students to lead the discussion of their learning.

As usual, we encourage families to book in conferences with as many teachers as they can fit into their schedule – in order to gain a complete picture of their child’s development. We do ask that all families book in a conference with their Mentor Group teacher as a minimum.

This year we have expanded the conferences over two days to allow more families opportunities to book in with their child’s teachers, but also to allow year 9 and 10 students opportunities to have in depth subject selection conversations.

Current Year 10 students are required to make separate bookings to discuss their subject selection going into Year 11. This is compulsory for year 10 students.

Year 9 students going into Year 10 nay attend an optional Subject selection interview.

Subject selection bookings must be completed using the separate booking link and appointments last 16 minutes- with a careers advisor, or member of the leadership team.

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Student Learning Conference Diagram
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ABCN- Australian Business & Community Network

Since opening in 2020 we have had a powerful partnership with ABCN, the Australian Business and Community Network. This organisation links corporate organisations and volunteers with schools, for impactful learning and aspiration building. Our students have had the opportunity to engage in a range of activities in the last four years, including a number this year.

Recent School Visits

Throughout this term and last we have had a number of visits from various organisations interested in the teaching and learning programs at Elevation Secondary College. This includes various academics from partner universities and teacher training programs. We have also welcomed senior representatives from the Victorian School Building Authority and various levels of the Department of Education.

All our visitors have been impressed by the learning happening in classes around the school and the great work of our teachers.

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Traffic outside the front of the school on Elevation Boulevard at pick up and drop off time can be hectic. We understand that with roadworks and development happening constantly in our area, it can be hard to get around Craigieburn at times. This is not a reason to drive dangerously or aggressively near the school.

Student safety when travelling to and from school is paramount and a responsibility of the whole community. I ask all members of the Elevation Community to remember this- no matter how rushed you are.

Please drive carefully and safely near the school.

By Colin Burke

Assistant Principals Report

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Careers & Pathways

Term 3 is always an exciting time, as students start to discuss careers, pathways and select subjects for the next year. Course selection for 2024 is particularly exciting because our current Year 10s are selecting their VCE program and studies.

Our handbooks for Year 9, Year 10 and VCE / VCE Vocational Major are now available on Compass. Students are given time and structure in Personal Development to use the handbooks to select their 2024 subjects and reflect on areas of strength and improvement for the next year.

We also encourage all families to read through the VCE/VCE Vocational Major Handbooks as these outline several important features of Year 11 and 12 including our VCE, MyVCE and VCE Vocational Major programs as well as case study examples of how students can use each program to reach their career goal at the end of school.

Even if you’re a couple of years away from Year 11, understanding the breadth of our offering as well as the structure and rules in the VCE and VCE VM is invaluable. In fact, several aspects of our 7-10 programming (Academic Catch Up, Grading, Learning Task Assessment types and Elective subjects) mirror what is required at the VCE.

The decisions students are making at Years 9 and 10 are important, but they are not making them alone. As a reminder students and families can access:

  • Careers counselling appointments with our Careers Practitioner Jacqueline Hunter or Teacher Alex Connor. You can discuss possible TAFE or University courses and prerequisites, apprenticeships and traineeships and career pathways.
  • A course selection interview during student learning conferences (compulsory for Year 10) to review subject preferences for 2024 by backwards planning from a post-schooling career goal. In these discussions, you can ask questions about specific VCE subjects, identify any important applications, pre-work or catch up that needs to happen in 2023 and access support in putting together your academic program.

A question that often comes up during this time is what program we offer for students with disabilities or additional needs.

The answer is that we don’t have one program or recommendation for this group of students but instead work with families and students to form individualised plans based on their strengths, career objectives and interests. Individualised plans will span from undertaking the VCE with special provision and/or external examination arrangements through to external traineeships and specialised programs for career readiness.

These pathways will be a strong focus for senior students’ SSG meetings, many of which have already taken place this term. Families with younger students are also welcome to include post-schooling pathways into their SSG and goal-setting discussions with the Inclusion team whenever they wish to do so.

Download or view relevant subject handbooks here:

VCE & VM Subject Handbook

Year 10 Subject Handbook

Year 9 Subject Handbook

By Angela Lane, Sonia Loudon, Kyle Schutz & Andrew Stock

Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing

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School Organisation

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James Devlin

To ensure students are active participants in their learning, organisation is fundamental to their success. Being prepared for the school day with the right equipment for every session on the day as well completing homework at home is vitally important. Have a discussion with your child about if they have all the equipment they need to succeed in an outside of the classroom.

Checks you can complete with your child

  • Are you bringing a bag to and from school?
  • Is lunch packed for the day?
  • Is the uniform correct?
  • Is their laptop being charged each night and brought to school each day?
  • Do they need new work books, pens or other equipment?
  • Ask them to bring home their subject workbooks, to see what work they have been completing in class.
  • Are they using their locker with a lock to protect their personal belongings? Is their locker organised?

Students need to practice all of these organisational tasks at all levels of schooling so they are fully prepared and have strategies and habits in place for when they reach their VCE years. The junior years are an essential place to start, as the most positive and supportive habits are formed to assist their learning development as they continue their education.

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Lauren Turnbull


Reclink Girl’s sports club is running Friday lunchtimes in the school gymnasium, all female students welcome! We recognise that female adolescents typically have less access to organized sports, and we are so grateful to Reclink for providing our students with an inclusive and fun environment to be active. 

Being physically active can support improvements in:

  • Sleep
  • Appetite
  • Focus and concentration
  • Emotion and mood 
  • Social interaction
  • Self confidence

Adolescent Health Nurse message on Vaping:

Schools across Victoria are playing their part in preventing young people from taking up Vaping by educating students on the health benefits of NOT starting to vape or QUITTING vaping. Schools focus on this issue as it is a widespread health issue for teenagers, as recent surveys of Australian teenagers indicate that up to a third (32%) have ever vaped. This number seems to be climbing as Vapes become easier to find and buy, leading to teenagers developing Nicotine Dependence due to the high levels of Nicotine and other chemicals in Vapes. Many vape devices contain high level nicotine even when they are labelled nicotine free. 

Nicotine dependence can develop very quickly with signs including:

  • Irritability
  • Poor focus/difficulty concentrating 
  • Lack of control over emotions
  • Poor sleep
  • Headaches, nausea and vomiting
  • Breathing difficulties 
  • Poor school performance due to Nicotine cravings affecting attendance and learning 

A reminder that Victorian Law states that it is illegal to smoke or vape on schools grounds or within 4 meters of school entrances. Despite it being illegal for people under 18 years of age to buy a Vape or e-cigarette device, we know that young people are still finding access to these devices. Breaking vaping laws at school results in suspension for students who break this law.

A note on Safety: E-liquids can poison children and adults through swallowing or skin contact; keep devices out of reach of small children as they are at risk if they were to find a vape device and chew on or swallow parts of a vape device. Symptoms of nicotine poisoning include sweating, dizziness, vomiting and increased heart rate. If you suspect a child has touched or swallowed e-liquids from inside an e-cigarette, you can call the Victorian Poisons Information Line (VPIC). When you call the VPIC, trained staff will give you first aid information, and tell you if you need to call an ambulance or refer you to a doctor for treatment.

Please reach out to school wellbeing team or year level coordination team if you have any concerns about your child using a vape or e-cigarette device. There are many steps we can take to support a young person to stop vaping and there are no legal consequences for a young person asking for help to quit vaping. 

For more information please contact: 

Quit Victoria:13 7848

Victorian Poisons Information Line: 13 11 23

Kids Health Information : E-cigarettes and teens (

For parents – Lung Foundation Australia

Students are also able to access QUIT support from adolescent Health Nurse Lauren Turnbull at school, or their Doctor.

Middle School

Middle School 25
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Rory Henderson

It has been good to see our Year 9 students working hard and engaging in their new elective subjects as well as continuing their core subjects as they get stuck into the new semester.

I would also like to formally welcome Nikita Richardson to the Year 9 team, who has taken up a coordinator position with the cohort.

VCE Subject Expo

Thank you to all the families who attended the VCE Subject Expo and Year 10 information on Monday 17th July. We hope that this was a useful event for all of you who attended and gave you the required information for how Year 10 and beyond will work for your child. Students have continued to learn about subject selection through personal development sessions and the process will formally begin in the week commencing 7th August.

Please direct any questions regarding subject recommendations to Rory Henderson or Sonia Loudon.


Thank you for your support with helping your child be ready for school. Most of our students are arriving with the required equipment and resources for all classes. Please can you check with your child that for each subject they have:

  • A subject book for notes
  • A textbook or the English book (When Michael Met Mina), depending on subject
  • A pencil case including pens, pencils, rubber and ruler
  • A calculator for maths
  • Their laptop for all lessons

Senior School | Careers & Pathways

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Senior School Overview

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Asli Dulger

It has only been a few weeks since Semester 2 commenced, however our Senior School students are only just getting started. We have some fantastic updates and events to share with you, which we believe will greatly benefit our students in their academic and personal growth.

VCE Subject Expo

On Monday the 17th of July, we had our VCE Subject Expo Night. The event allowed our wider schooling community to come together and gain valuable insights into the diverse range of VCE courses we offer.

Our dedicated staff and passionate teachers showcased the curriculum and highlighted the unique opportunities each course presents. We believe that informed choices regarding VCE courses are essential for setting students on the path to success, and we are grateful for the strong engagement and support from all families who attended. We wanted to thank HeadStart who were able to attend the evening and facilitate conversations with families regarding school-based apprenticeships.

2024 Course Recommendations

In our commitment to providing an educational experience for our students, we have taken an evidence-based approach to guide our students’ academic choices for 2024.

Our Senior School has meticulously reviewed the previous and current academic achievements of our students and, as a result, provided them with personalised recommendations for their courses in the coming year. We firmly believe that when students are placed in programs that align with their strengths and interests, they are better equipped to achieve success and excel in their studies.

Careers & Course Research

Preparing our students for life beyond high school is a paramount aspect of the Senior School. With this goal in mind, we have collaborated closely with our dedicated Careers Team to initiate the process of researching courses for their future studies. Our students have begun exploring the various post-high school opportunities available to them, along with the specific subjects they need to focus on in order to achieve their aspirations. This initiative empowers students to make well-informed decisions about their future and helps them lay the groundwork for their desired career paths.

Budgeting Activity

Financial literacy is an essential skill, and we believe it is important for our students to understand the principles of budgeting and financial planning. In a recent Professional Development Session (PDM), our students had the opportunity to delve into the workings of prominent companies such as After Pay and explore the conditions behind their financial plans. This activity aimed to equip our students with practical knowledge that will serve them well in their adult lives.

As always, we greatly appreciate your ongoing support and partnership in ensuring the success and wellbeing of our students.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the Senior School office.

Asli Dulger, Senior Leading Teacher

Careers & Pathways

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Jacqueline Hunter
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Alexandra Connor

Now that we’re in the second half of the year, our sights are set on future career and course planning with our Year 9’s and Year 10’s.

Year 9 | My Career Insights (Morrisby)

Morrisby unpacking interviews are now all complete. This marks the last stage in the multi-stage My Career Insights program. All students who had fully completed their profile testing received an interview and feedback has been exceptional! Students have very much enjoyed discussing their results and future aspirations with Morrisby Counsellors, who in turn have commented day after day on what a pleasure it has been to visit our school and have these discussions with our wonderful students.

Interviewed students all have ongoing access to their results and notes, and are encouraged to reflect on these when selecting their subjects for 2024.

Year 10 | Pre-Course Selection Agreement

Our Year 10 students are preparing to make some big decisions about their future pathways and senior programs. To support this and to ensure all students are making well informed decisions, all Year 10 students have been working hard to complete their Pre-Course Selection Assignments.

In this assignment, students select 3 different career areas of interest and investigate the following topics for each one.

Personal Qualities

What kinds of qualities and skills do individuals bring to the role?

Tasks & Duties

What does a typical day in the role look like?

Employment Outlook

Is this career in growth or decline?

Course Requirements & Prerequisites

Students investigate 3 different courses or qualifications that align with their chosen career, and the entry requirements/prerequisites into each one.

Students are to reflect on the findings of this assignment, especially the Course Requirements and Prerequisites, to help them select their VCE, MyVCE or VCE:VM program and subjects to ensure that as many pathway options are open to them as possible.

This is a compulsory assignment and needs to be completed before their Course Selection Day. To support students in completing this assignment they are being given 3 periods of dedicated class time and are encouraged to seek any additional assistance they may need from Jacqui or Ms Connor.

This time of year can be both very exciting and very daunting for students as they make these coming selections, but we are here to guide our students through the process every step of the way. Looking forward to assisting our students in this next big step!

Ms. Hunter & Ms. Connor

Careers Practitioner & Careers Teacher

Curriculum & Student Learning

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Julia Rossi

Arts & Technology

In the Arts & Technology department, we’ve had a great start to Term 3, with excited students from Years 7-10 starting their elective subjects. We have also welcomed some new staff to the department, who are excited to share in the learning growth of students.


The music team have been hard at work with our school bands, introducing new repertoire and working to improve current pieces. We are trying to increase participation in the school band and instrumental music program, with some talented students emerging from ESC.

Product Design

Students have started learning about Toy Design at year 8 product design. With all the information and skills they are learning, this will contribute to their own design later in the semester.

Visual Arts & Visual Communications

The arts team is gearing up for another productive semester. A large art order has just been placed, ready for the next lot of student works to be created.

  • Year 7’s are working on art elements and portraits, with a focus on surrealism.
  • Year 8’s are looking at 2-point perspective in designing their own houses.
  • Year 9’s are creating art in the natural world with a focus on observation with VCD looking at poster design.
  • Year 10’s are exploring art elements and drawing for communication.


Year 10 VCE Media students continue to impress their teachers with their dedication and commitment to their work. The Year 9 and 10 electives have just started, with students looking key media terms and concepts. The Year 9’s have started exploring narrative, watching a variety of clips from different movies. Year 10’s are exploring different types of shots in film and how they impact on themes and story development.

Food Technology

Students across years 7-10 have been excited to start Food Technologies or Food Studies, especially lessons in the kitchen. Year 7’s and 9’s have been focusing on kitchen safety, food safety and hygiene. Year 10’s have been applying their knowledge of food safety and hygiene to commercial kitchens and are working to complete a mini food safety certificate. We are looking forward to working through increasingly difficult recipes as students grow in their skills and confidence.

Julia RossiActing Learning Specialist- Arts & Technology

Aspire News | July 2023 Edition 40
Margaret Nicholas

Curriculum Report | Subject Expo

On Monday, 17th July, the College held our annual Subject Expo Night for students in Years 8, 9 and 10. There were lots of families present who learned about the subject selection process for 2023.

Teachers explained the different VCE programs available for Elevation Secondary College in years 11 and 12 before students received their personalised letters outlining their recommended subject and program options for 2024. Students and families then walked through the Gym and met with teachers and guests from TAFE organisations to discuss the different subjects on offer at the college as well as future pathway options.

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It was a very successful evening with lots of positive discussions about the future. If you have any questions about the subject selection process, please contact the school.

Margaret Nicholas- VCE Development

SRC | Extension & Enrichment

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Our SRC group have been busy working on ideas to use our recently acquired YouthFest grant money for RUOK? week. We are currently looking into incursion ideas to support health and wellbeing throughout the college. 

The SRC are trying to plan some sporting events, wellbeing focused activities and fun lunchtime sessions to help people feel good and connect to the community.

We will let the school community know more information in the coming weeks, so a reminder to students to check in with their MG reps and SRC members about what’s happening!

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By Ammar 8E

Miss Julia Rossi- SRC Coordinator

Aspire News | July 2023 Edition 44
Alice Hu

Extension and Enrichment

Big Science Competition

In May, forty-nine Elevation science students participated in the Big Science Competition (BSC) for the first time. Australian Science Innovation tested their science knowledge and problem-solving skills through questions which were set in real-life contexts. Well done to students for Aiming High and representing our school and thank you to Dr Beach and Mr Haberman for facilitating this opportunity for challenge! Students are encouraged to keep engaging with extension activities in class to develop critical thinking in Science. 

Congratulations to Harjas in 9D and Omar in 10E for receiving a Distinction result, placing in the top 15% of the nation.

Special mentions also go to students who achieved a Credit:

  • Keerti 7B
  • Ahmad 7D
  • Orion 8C
  • Harkirat 9E
  • Sehreen 9D
  • Gabriel 9E
  • Lithusha 9G
  • Nicholas 10C
  • Akshat 10D
  • Manpreet 10D

Logic Capstone Projects

The Semester 1 extension Mathematics class, Logic, ended with a celebration of student projects centered around mathematical investigations and financial literacy. Students had been working collaboratively on research questions across Term 2, applying Mathematical concepts and processes to real-life contexts. They presented their findings on a broad range of interesting topics, including artificial intelligence, winning the lottery and financial planning for pets and holidays.

The panellists, Dr Beach, Mr Burke and Ms Hu, were impressed at the level of creativity and teamwork exhibited from our Year 7 and 8 Logic-ers. Two highly commended team projects will be entered into the Maths Talent Quest, the nation-wide competition.

Logic students finished the program with a reflection on their learning and exploration into careers in maths. They brainstormed ways to continue engaging with extension and enrichment, building their problem-solving skills and staying connected with the community of like-minded peers.

A student reflection:

“Honestly, Logic was very helpful in developing my Maths skills. Specifically the AMC questions really got me into the mindset of applying my critical thinking capabilities and problem solving skills… Some topics in Logic confused me a lot and if it weren’t for my teacher and peers, I would never had understood the topic…Ever since I joined Logic, I just kept getting better and better in Maths!

We are looking forward to supporting their participation, along with 40 other Elevation students, in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) in early August.

Alice Hu Extension and Enrichment Coordinator

Aspire Shop

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The Aspire Shop has returned for Term 3!

The Aspire shop is a way to reward students that have been demonstrating exceptional behaviors in relation to our school values of:

Aim High, Work Hard and Be Good. 

How it works:

  1. Students earn Aspire points for their hard work
  2. All Aspire points go into the Mentor Group Aspire Raffle drawn every fortnight
  3. Winner is randomly selected and receive an Aspire Shop Entry Ticket
  4. Students may also get ‘Mentor Group Teacher Award’ for receiving the most outstanding Aspire of the fortnight for their Mentor Group.
  5. Students that receive an Aspire Shop Entry Ticket can access the Aspire Shop and spend the Aspire Points that have earned through the year to purchase items. 

Congratulations to students that have already received an Aspire Shop Entry Ticket and to the students that have already made their first purchases!

For everyone else, the more Aspire Points that you earn the more likely you are to get drawn and the more Aspire Points you have to spend at the Aspire Shop!

Aspire Community Supporters

The Aspire Shop has many items that students are able to purchase. These items include pens, fidget spinners, frisbees, basketballs and many other items. But we would like to also thank the community supporters that generously donate from their businesses to the Aspire Shop.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following community supporters who have kindly donated to the Aspire shop to inspire and motivate our students to achieve in our school and in our community.

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If you would like to be involved in the Aspire Community Supporter program, please email the school at to see how you are able to support the students in achieving in the school and wider community.

Aspire of the Month

This year we are introducing ‘Aspire of the Month’. This is to recognise students that have demonstrated exceptional values of Aim High, Work Hard and Be Good within the school community.

Aspire’s of the Month

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Aim High: Sanarya 7H
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Work Hard:
Ella-Maree 10A
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Be Good: Denise 7I

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Well done to all our award winners this month. Our Year 7 students are leading in the front this Term!

Keep up the good work and remember you can use your Aspire points at the Aspire Shop!

Elevation Community News

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Library News

Book Week 2023: Bookmark Design Competition

To celebrate Book Week 2023, students are invited to submit a bookmark design that responds to the theme ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’. The winning designs will be professionally printed and made available in the library.

  • Entries must be the original work of the student
  • Designs must be hand drawn. This can be pen/paint/pencil and paper, OR digitally drawn. Paper collage elements are acceptable.
  • No pre-made vectors, graphics or photographs may be used (e.g. Canva must not be used).
  • Entries should be submitted into the box in the library, in envelopes provided with a completed entry form.
  • The bookmark should be 200mm x 50mm. Templates will be provided in the library.
  • Each entrant will receive 1 Aspire Points.

Digital entries can be emailed to

Entries close at 4pm Friday 25th August.

Prizes to Win!

1st Prize: $100 voucher from Readings Books

2x Runner Up Prizes: $50 voucher from Readings Books.

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Rate & Review Books!

Aspire News | July 2023 Edition 58

The countdown to Book Week 2023 is on, and the library wants you to make your thoughts heard!

Book reviews are a great way to express your thoughts about a book and help other readers decide which books they are going to read.

The library is giving away prizes to the best 7 reviews written between now and the start of Book Week in Week 7 (21/8)

To learn how to post a Book Review on the library website, click here.


  1. Dragon Ball Z Colossal Chi guide booklet and poster
  2. My Hero Academia Illustration booklet and poster
  3. Bleach travel guide booklet and poster
  4. Naruto Shinobi mini-guide and poster
  5. Attack on Titan Short Stories and Tokyo Ghoul poster
  6. Attack on Titan Short Stories 2 and sticker sheet
  7. Covers of Golden Age Comics mini magazine

Contact Ellen, or come to the library if you have any questions.

Aspire News | July 2023 Edition 59

Elevation’s First Aid Officer: Melissa Barnden

I’d like to introduce myself to you as the College’s full time First Aid Officer

I have been working in the First Aid office at Elevation Secondary College for the past 18 months and have been working hard to ensure that the First Aid Office operates at a high standard.

Currently, I hold my certificate in Advanced First Aid and on the weekends, I work as a First Responder at a range of events.

If you need to update your child’s Action Plan, medications or inform us of any new or existing medical conditions, please don’t hesitate to come in and see me at any time.

I am here for all our students’ medical needs.

Instrumental Music at Elevation Secondary College

Do you want to learn or re-engage with an instrument?

ESC currently offers instrumental music lessons in:

  • Keyboard/Piano– Tereza Cuca
  • Vocals/Singing– Felisha Innelli
  • Drums– Troy Grech
  • Guitar and Bass– Nick Freer
  • Guitar– Tuan Le 

Forms to sign up for lessons are available at the front office and at the staff office in the G building. There is a fee to participate in the instrumental music program, and a wait list for some instruments (depending on popularity). Speak to the Music team for more information.

ESC also has a contemporary band that rehearses Wednesdays from 8.30-10.00, which all instrumental students are encouraged to participate in.

We look forward to growing the musical passion of our students at ESC!

Elevation Online Safety Hub Article of the Month

Self-diagnosing mental health using social media

“Using social media to self-diagnose mental illness is a potentially risky new trend among teens. Here are some things to consider.”

Click here to read this article.

Written by Online Safety Expert & Psychologist, Teodora Pavkovic

Aspire News | July 2023 Edition 60

To read more articles from Elevation Online Safety Hub, click the link below.

Canteen Ordering

We are pleased to advise our families that the College Canteen is open. It will be operated by Bocca Foods.

Attached to this news feed is the menu which is being offered.  All orders can be placed online on

Register your child/children. Enter their Year Level, in the box which reads Classroom will be their mentor group.  All of which is found on Compass. 

You can order students lunch by 9am and pay online.

”Bocca Foods prefer online ordering.”  This assists with ordering and catering, and will reduce lines and waiting time for food.

Lunch can be purchased from the counter using CASH and EFTPOS

STRICTLY NO PAYMENTS BY MOBILE OR SMART WATCHES.  Under Ministerial Order phones must not be used and will not be accepted.

We are also teaching students how to use the canteen space appropriately and respectfully. 

Canteen Notice

Recently, some students have been bringing in $100 notes to purchase food from the canteen. Just a reminder for students to please bring in ONLY small denominations as it will make it easier for our canteen team. Thank you.

Early Leaving Policy

School attendance is very important.
Students are required to attend school for the entire day. If there is an unavoidable reason for a student to leave school early on a particular day (such as for a medical appointment) a signed note from home must be provided.
Pickup times should coincide with recess and lunch.

  • Student brings a note from home explaining the absence and the intended departure time (recess or lunch). The note must be signed and dated by a parent/guardian
  • Student presents the note from home to the Mini School Admin Office before Mentor Group.
  • Student receives a signed Early Leaver note from the mini school.
  • At recess or lunch – the student brings the early Leaver note to the Administration Office and signs out.
  • Student is picked up

If a pickup time can only be during a timetabled period, the student must show their signed Early Leaver note to their classroom teacher at the designated time and then present to the office to be picked up.
School staff will not be collecting students from classes during timetabled periods.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they arrive at the office for pickup at the designated time.
Learning is extremely important at Elevation Secondary College. Please note that staff cannot collect your child or put an announcement over speakers during class time.

Recess and Lunch Times
Recess –  10:56 – 11:24am
Lunch – 1:20 – 2:02pm

Local Community Notices

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College Uniform Store

As you are aware Noone, our uniform provider, have been operating a small shop from the College every Thursday to provide a convenient service for our families.

The uniform shop will no longer operate at the College as Noone have leased a new store right here in Craigieburn Junction shopping precinct and have officially opened their door to for business.

The new store is located at:
Shop A2-E
420-440 Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn 3064
Store located on Cr Craigieburn Rd and Aitken Blvd next to Carpet Call in the Shopping Precinct.

Trading hours are:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 9am-1pm

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Sustainable School Shop

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Any Parents/Guardians who are looking to buy or sell their second-hand uniforms or text books please visit the Sustainable Schools website to list or purchase items:

So far the results have been very good and we encourage families to take advantage of this method of buying and selling second-hand items.

Here is a how to guide to get you started:

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Important Dates 2023

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Term Dates

  • Last Day of Term 3- Friday 15th September (Early finish 1.20pm)
  • Term 4 Commence- Monday 2nd October
  • Last Day of Term 4- Wednesday 20th December (Early finish 12.22pm)

Student Learning Conferences

  • Thursday 10th August
  • Friday 11th August

Curriculum & Student Free Days

  • Wednesday 30th August

Public Holidays

  • Tuesday 7th November – Melbourne Cup Day