Principal’s Report

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Athletics Carnival

It was very exciting to have held our very first College Athletics carnival at Meadowglen Athletics Stadium last month. Our students participated in a really positive manner across the day and contributed well to the positive atmosphere. Congratulations and thanks to Mr Brandon Isaac who organized the event with significant support from James Devlin, Nikita Richardson and the PE/Health team.

The event also saw the first use of our school houses in a whole school competition. Congratulations to Gurnmil House for being the inaugural winners.

Year 10 Exams

Our Year 10 exams ran last week in the majority of year 10 subjects. We were very pleased with how seriously the students took the sitting of the exams and exam procedures. These types of exams are great preparation for VCE exams – when students proactively reflect on their levels of effort and revision in the lead up to the exams compared to their performance. Thanks to Ms Nicholas and the Senior School Team of Ms. Dulger, Ms. Connor and Mr. Mulligan for the efforts in organization.

We have worked hard as a teaching team to make the exams the right balance of academic challenge and support. A key aim of the exams is to give students of firsthand experience in what is required to revise, retain and consolidate their learning over a long period of time. Too often in schools, key learning is completed in class and students move on to the next topic without putting into place any steps to retain and consolidate that knowledge in the long term. When knowledge and skills are not practiced after the initial teaching period they often fall into disuse – making it harder to recall them later on when they are needed to be used in real life settings.

Some students may find their exam results disappointing. Others may find that their CAT scores are better than their exams scores. In most cases this does not mean the student hasn’t learnt the content and skills – they just have let the content and skills fall into disuse by not practicing, revising, revisiting, and consolidating the information prior to sitting the exam. The key learning for these students is to look at their approach to preparing for exams and increase their time spent revising and reviewing content and making a formal revision plan. I would encourage year 10 students to create a semester 2 exam revision plan now, ahead of the end of year exams. Setting aside time at regular intervals across the second half of the year to review prior learning and revise key topics.

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Year 10’s taking their exams

Work Experience

Our Senior School and Careers team have done an amazing job in getting our first cohort of students out for work experience this week. Our students have been able to gain placements at a wide variety of employers in a huge range of industries. Thanks to Ms. Hunter, Ms. Connor, Ms. Dulger and Mr. Mulligan for supporting the cohort.

By Colin Burke

Assistant Principals Report

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Uniform Policy Update

Students would have noticed the new uniform item – the weatherproof black jacket – which is now available from the uniform store (Noone in Craigieburn).

Students are reporting back really positive feedback in regards to this new addition. The uniform policy has already been updated to include this item with the key points summarised below:

  • The black jacket can be worn as either part of the PE or academic uniform. This is the only item of uniform that can be worn as both. No mixing of other academic and PE uniform is allowed.
  • The black jacket does not replace the jumper or blazer. The black jacket provides an extra layer of protection for the weather.
  • The blazer and weatherproof jacket (with logo) are the only items of outerwear allowed over the rest of the academic or PE uniform. This includes travelling to and from school. No jacket or other outerwear may substitute this.


The teal sports jacket has been REMOVED from production and the uniform policy from the middle of last year.

The black waterproof jacket is REPLACING the teal sports jacket. The teal sports jacket can still be worn in 2023 on PE practical days only. It will be entirely phased out in 2024.

The Elevation scarf and beanie is now available from Noone Craigieburn and we are excited to see students wearing them in the school yard.

A few other uniform reminders, especially as the weather gets cooler:

  • If extra layers are being worn for additional warmth they will be plain black, white or gray in colour and be covered by the appropriate uniform.
  • No long sleeve tops under a short sleeve school shirt
  • No additional warmth items may protrude from underneath the uniform.
  • No signage, logos, etc. should be on any under layers.
  • Hoodies are not an acceptable layer and the student will be asked to remove it.
  • The uniform options provides long sleeve options and outerwear for warmth. These should be the first option sought by families.

Here is a great article for our families to read.

Psychologist Explains 7 Skills That Separate Successful Kids From Kids That Struggle

By Harley Manson May 5, 2022

As parents, it is our sole priority to ensure that our children have the tools necessary to not only survive, but thrive. And in a world filled with information, it can be hard to discern what is useful and what is not.

1. Self-confidence.

There is a major difference between self-esteem and self-confidence, despite parents often mistaking the two. Borba explains “real self-confidence is an outcome of doing well, facing obstacles, creating solutions, and snapping back on your own.” Rather than doing tasks for your child and solving all of their problems, Borba suggests allowing your child to overcome obstacles on their own.

2. Empathy

Many people mistake empathy for something that is engrained in us, without teaching. However, empathy is a skill much like anything else. Borba says that children need to have an emotional vocabulary to develop deeper empathy. To do this, help your child label their emotions. Ask them emotional questions (“How did that make you feel?”) share your feelings and point out the feelings of others.

3. Self-Control

Self-control is also taught and Borba says it can be helpful to give children signals. Examples of this are the school bell ringing, but she says parents can develop signals and cues of their own. “I need your attention in one minute,” or “Are you ready to listen?” are both good cues.

4. Integrity

“Integrity is a set of learned beliefs, capacities, attitudes, and skills that create a moral compass children can use to help them know — and do — what’s right,” Borba explains. Part of our job in helping with this is to provide expectations to our children. However, the biggest and most important contributor is to allow them space to develop their compass.

5. Curiosity

Curiosity is intrinsically linked to intelligence. And there are many ways in which parents can spark curiosity in their children. Examples are providing your child with gadgets and open ended toys. Even something as simple as pipe cleaners, blocks, and paper clips can open their mind to new possibilities.

6. Perseverance

When children are under pressure, perseverance is what will push them through. Oftentimes, Borba says that kids end up giving up when they feel overwhelmed. To thwart this, she encourages parents to teach kids to break large tasks up into smaller ones, so they feel more obtainable.

7. Optimism

Optimism is extremely beneficial because it allows children to view obstacles in a positive light, which also makes them much more likely to succeed. And optimism is something that starts with us, as parents. Children pick up on how we speak to ourselves and others. Be careful to remain optimistic, rather than pessimistic.

Ten Positive Emotions & What They Do For Us

Aspire News | Term 2 2023 Edition 27

By Angela Lane, Sonia Loudon, Kyle Schutz & Andrew Stock

Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing

Junior School | Engagement & Wellbeing 28
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Athletics Carnival

Elevation ran its first Athletics Carnival on May 31st! This was a very exciting event to add to the school calendar and the first time that we ran an event with our new Elevation Houses.

As part of the House Design competition that was run earlier this year, we are very pleased to announce that House designs were completely designed by a student at the school! Well done to Lithusha in Year 9 for submitting the successful designs for all 4 Houses.

Students have also had the opportunity to design house flags for each of the houses as a lunch time activity. Thank you to all the students and teachers that have participated in this over the last 3 weeks during their lunch time breaks.

Being prepare for classes

As we approach the end of Semester 1, it is important to check in with students to make sure that they have all of their equipment. Equipment can get lost or books can be completely used up. Check in with children to ensure that they have a book for every subject and if they need to refill their pencil cases with new pens. Diaries are also crucial for filling in when to complete homework, keeping their timetable and using this to be checked out of the classroom. Please check all of these items to make sure your child is as prepared as they can be for their classes.


Reclink Girl’s sports club is running Friday lunchtimes in the school gymnasium, all female students welcome! We recognise that female adolescents typically have less access to organized sports, and we are so grateful to Reclink for providing our students with an inclusive and fun environment to be active. 

Being physically active can support improvements in:

  • Sleep
  • Appetite
  • Focus and concentration
  • Emotion and mood 
  • Social interaction
  • Self confidence

Adolescent Health Nurse message on Vaping:

Schools across Victoria are playing their part in preventing young people from taking up Vaping by educating students on the health benefits of NOT starting to vape or QUITTING vaping. Schools focus on this issue as it is a widespread health issue for teenagers, as recent surveys of Australian teenagers indicate that up to a third (32%) have ever vaped. This number seems to be climbing as Vapes become easier to find and buy, leading to teenagers developing Nicotine Dependence due to the high levels of Nicotine and other chemicals in Vapes. Many vape devices contain high level nicotine even when they are labelled nicotine free. 

Nicotine dependence can develop very quickly with signs including:

  • Irritability
  • Poor focus/difficulty concentrating 
  • Lack of control over emotions
  • Poor sleep
  • Headaches, nausea and vomiting
  • Breathing difficulties 
  • Poor school performance due to Nicotine cravings affecting attendance and learning 

A reminder that Victorian Law states that it is illegal to smoke or vape on schools grounds or within 4 meters of school entrances. Despite it being illegal for people under 18 years of age to buy a Vape or e-cigarette device, we know that young people are still finding access to these devices. Breaking vaping laws at school results in suspension for students who break this law.

A note on Safety: E-liquids can poison children and adults through swallowing or skin contact; keep devices out of reach of small children as they are at risk if they were to find a vape device and chew on or swallow parts of a vape device. Symptoms of nicotine poisoning include sweating, dizziness, vomiting and increased heart rate. If you suspect a child has touched or swallowed e-liquids from inside an e-cigarette, you can call the Victorian Poisons Information Line (VPIC). When you call the VPIC, trained staff will give you first aid information, and tell you if you need to call an ambulance or refer you to a doctor for treatment.

Please reach out to school wellbeing team or year level coordination team if you have any concerns about your child using a vape or e-cigarette device. There are many steps we can take to support a young person to stop vaping and there are no legal consequences for a young person asking for help to quit vaping. 

For more information please contact: 

Quit Victoria:13 7848

Victorian Poisons Information Line: 13 11 23

Kids Health Information : E-cigarettes and teens (

For parents – Lung Foundation Australia

Students are also able to access QUIT support from adolescent Health Nurse Lauren Turnbull at school, or their Doctor

Middle School

Middle School 33
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GOTAFE Taster Day

On Wednesday 24th May, Year 9 Students got to experience a variety of taster sessions for Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects, provided by the outreach service from GOTAFE. This included sessions in Early Childhood, Nursing, Information Technology, Hospitality and Animal Care, as well as information sessions on the VET process. We encourage our Year 9 students to reflect on what subjects they are interested in as they look towards future years at school or other education service providers. 

Morrisby Testing

On the subject of looking towards the future and considering options, our Year 9 students began their Morrisby testing last week in Personal Development classes. They will have other opportunities to continue their profiling over the next few weeks and we strongly encourage students to continue to work on them at home. Only students who 100% complete the profiling quizzes will be able to receive their profiling results and be eligible for an interview with a professional careers advisor. 

School for Student Leadership

In other news, we would like to congratulate Miley Bell and Emerson Sheahan from Year 9 who are currently attending the School for Student Leadership (Snowy River Campus) in rural Victoria. This term, while continuing with normal classes at Snowy River, they are also taking part in exciting outdoor education activities and working on leadership and community projects alongside students from other schools in Victoria. This is an opportunity that we are hoping will be available to current Year 7 and 8 students when they reach Year 9. You can keep up to date with their progress and news from the School for Student Leadership. Click here for more details.

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Senior School | Careers & Pathways

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Senior School Overview

As partners in students’ learning, the Senior School wanted to take this opportunity to emphaise the importance of partnerships between home and school in ensuring the success of every student; however that might look like for each individual student. By working together, we can create a nurturing and supportive environment that empowers our students to reach their full potential.

Education is a shared responsibility, and when parents and schools join forces, success is inevitable. Here are some valuable ways you can contribute to your child’s educational journey:

  1. Open and Consistent Communication: Regular communication between parents and teachers is crucial. Stay informed about your child’s progress, upcoming assignments, and any concerns raised by teachers.Every fortnight, you can see your child’s Learning Behaviour Monitor on Compass which provides a score on the areas of: Work Hard, Aim High and Be Good. We know through our data analysis that there is a direct link between student achievement and their Learning Behaviours. The higher their Learning Behaviour, the higher their outcome will be.
  1. Establishing a Home Learning Routine: Encourage a structured routine at home to support your child’s learning. Set aside a quiet space for study, establish regular study hours, and minimise distractions during homework. By demonstrating the value of education and creating an environment conducive to learning, you can foster your child’s dedication and focus.
  1. Encourage a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset in your child can significantly impact their academic success. Emphasise the importance of effort, resilience, and perseverance. Encourage them to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Celebrate their achievements, both big and small, to reinforce their confidence and motivation. 

Our collective goal is for our students to become young adults who are prepared for the challenges of the future. By working together, we can ensure our students receive the best possible education and support throughout their journey. We are grateful for your partnership with us.


You may have noticed over the past few weeks that the amount of homework being assigned for students has increased. There are several reasons as to why homework is crucial with one of them being about student agency. Homework encourages students to take responsibility for their own education, manage their time effectively, and develop important skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.

These are essential skills which are not only required in a classroom setting, but also crucial in the workplace that they will be entering into. If you have any questions in regards to homework being assigned to your child, I encourage all students to initially make contact with their teachers who will support them in any way possible.

Mid Year Exams

Our Year 10 students have completed their mid-year exams this Term. These exams are an important milestone in their academic progress, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding of the subjects they have been studying throughout the year.

Our teachers will be available to address any questions or concerns you may have.

Asli Dulger

Senior School Leading Teacher

Careers & Pathways

It has been a busy couple of months in Careers & Pathways, developing and introducing new programs, getting to know the students and celebrating events. These are some of the things we, and students, have been working hard on.

Year 9- My Career Insights (Morrisby)

Morrisby Profile Testing is now underway, students are being given time in PDM to complete these online aptitude tests. Once complete, the next stage of the Morrisby delivery will be the one-on-one unpacking interviews with a Morrisby trained Careers Counsellor early in Term 3. 

In these unpacking interviews, students will discuss their results, aspirations and interests with the Morrisby Counsellors in order to identify career areas of interest and in turn suitable subjects and pathways to get them there.

Year 10- Work Experience

Work Experience is well and truly underway this week with our Year 10s.

In these last couple of weeks in the lead up to the start of Work Experience, we have been working on completing the mandatory OHS safety testing during PDM. This is in order to prepare our Year 10s working in a professional environment.

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White Card Training

National Careers Week

National Careers Week ran from Monday 15th May to Friday 19th May. It is an initiative of the Career Industry Council of Australia and aims to celebrate careers, career development, career development services, and career development practitioners and to promote the economic, social and personal benefits of career development. 

We ran a number of activities and competitions for students throughout the week to acknowledge and celebrate National Careers Week, as well as to get students thinking about the careers and opportunities available to them when they finish school.

A huge congratulations to our 2 major competition winners!

  • Melike K of 8C who was able to list a whopping 22 different careers in 60 seconds.
  • Sulaiman P of 10C who submitted a detailed and insightful report on the career journey of a family friend’s father.

A huge thank you to everyone who celebrated and ran activities for National Careers Week, it was a huge success with lots of positive feedback. Looking forward to 2024!

Ms. Hunter & Ms. Connor

Careers Practitioner & Careers Teacher

Curriculum & Student Learning

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Arts & Technology

It has been a busy start to Term 2 with many students within the Arts and Technology subjects completing their most recent assessment tasks. Many of these assessments across Year 7 to Year 10 have conducted a wide range of practical and theoretical based assessment tasks, in which our students have rigorously completed. 


In Music, the School Band are currently learning songs that they are excited to present and perform to the school. Year 7 students are creating bands and rehearsing songs from the Rock’n’Roll genre, whilst Year 8 students are researching and preparing to perform a Doo Wop song. Year 9 Music students are researching a protest song of their choice, while the Year 10 Music Performance students are preparing for both Solo performance as well as their upcoming exam, covering music theory, aural and analysis based questions.

Systems Technology

In Systems, students are learning about the Systems Engineering Process. They are keeping a logbook for each stage of the process, where they will build a LED Electronic Hourglass. 

Visual Arts

In Visual Arts, students have finished learning how to paint their own Self-Portraits using Acrylic Paint. Currently, students are learning how to design logos with a focus on typography. The Year 9 students are currently creating their own style skateboards, using a wide range of mediums to produce it. 

Visual Communications & Design

In Visual Communication and Design, students in Year 9 are learning how to design interior designs using isometric drawing techniques. They have recently completed learning how to design logos and posters using Adobe Illustrator.

Digital Technologies

In Digital Technologies at Year 7, students are learning the video editing software program called Premiere Pro, a video editing software where they will experiment with a wide range of functions around film editing. In Year 8, students are learning about the Spreadsheet Software called Excel, learning about basic formulas. In Year 9, students are learning to program pictures and animations using JavaScript. In Year 10, students have been learning about ethical and social ICT behaviours and how changes in technology has impacted on this.


In Media, the Year 9 students are about to commence their production making work, where they will collaboratively produce their own Music Videos. The VCE Media students are currently working on two outcomes in Unit 1. Outcome 2 focuses on Media Forms In Production, where students will work in groups to produce their own Teenage Genre Film and Movie Poster, across two separate media forms. In Outcome 3, students are learning about Australian Stories, focusing on the production, distribution of their Australian narrative media product, “Strictly Ballroom”. They will also focus on indigenous stories, as represented through the ABC Radio National podcast Awaye. 

Food Technology

In Food Technology, students in Year 7’s and 9’s are starting to work on their CAT3 Pie Task, where they can choose a country to base their pie filling recipe off. Recently, our Year 10 Food Studies students have finished their Food Truck CAT, where they were able to create a food item that would be suitable to make and sell in a food truck. These students have produced a wide range of wonderful food. 

Channel 9 Millionaire Hot Seat Excursion

On Tuesday 23rd of May, 11 of our VCE Media students went on an excursion to Docklands Studio to be a part of the studio audience of the Channel 9 Game Show “Millionaire Hot Seat”. The students woke up early to get to Craigieburn Station by 7am to be at the studios by 8:30am.

During the three episodes watched, students were able to witness how a television production was made. These included the setup and pack down of the studio, multi-camera operation, audience warm up, make-up artists and lighting. As members of the studio audience, the students were fundamental to the excitement of the show, by being required to clap and cheer loudly on command, as directed by legendary audience warm up guy Michael Pope, as contestants win money and when host Eddie McGuire enters the stage on his entrance.

In between breaks, students were also given the opportunity to ask questions about how television production is made, in which many of our students asked brilliant and insightful questions. Not only that, they had the pleasure of being able to interact with the host of the show, Eddie McGuire, as he shared a story to the students of his early years, as a child, riding his bike alongside the Craigieburn Golf Club. 

Be watching Millionaire Hot Seat at 5pm on Channel 9 during the month of October, as we will get to see the students of Elevation shown through wide angles and close up shots as these episodes will be going to air. And of course, watching contestants winning money!  A great day enjoyed by all! 

Aspire News | Term 2 2023 Edition 50
VCE Media Excursion

We continue to look forward to seeing many more examples of quality work produced by our talented students within the Arts and Technology department here at Elevation Secondary College as 2023 continues. 

Dean James

Learning Specialist- Arts & Technology

SRC | Extension & Enrichment

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The SRC continues to be strong representatives and advocates for our school community in term 2.

Students have provided feedback on school processes, shared their thoughts on events with teachers, have attended training and have practiced their public speaking skills. We are now working on future planning for events that mean a lot to our school community.

The SRC have also been busy helping out with the schools first Athletics Day. Students have had the opportunity to assist with flag creation, planning, and have volunteered to help out on the day. It is so important that we have as many people in the school community involved as possible.

Recently, we got our delivery of custom made SRC badges. These badges help show pride in our school while identifying those that have stepped up as student leaders. Students posed for a photo when they were presented with their badges.

Aspire News | Term 2 2023 Edition 52

We are working on planning the rest of our leadership badges in line with our leadership structure.

Finally, we would like to celebrate Ammar Mahmoud (8E) and Harkirat Kaur (9E) for being chosen to represent young people in the Kalkallo District on the Kalkallo Youth Advisory Council. It is a great opportunity to represent young people, and develop leadership and communication skills outside of school.

Well done to all student leaders!

Miss Julia Rossi- SRC Coordinator

Extension and Enrichment

Year 9 & 10

During the school holidays, a group of year 9 and 10 students went to the University of Melbourne for the “Micro Mathematicians Workshop”. The following report was written by attendees Santa Rafaeil (10B) and Shannon Jot Kaur (10A):

We discovered how math can be involved in everyday life, even in activities we don’t expect. Through an interactive and engaging session, we learnt the mathematics behind juggling and how abstract algebra can help answer essential questions, such as what juggling patterns can be juggled. In the end, we even had a chance to try juggling ourselves! This program deepened our perception of mathematics and expanded our thinking. Overall, it was a fun and enriching time at Melbourne University.

Aspire News | Term 2 2023 Edition 53
Mya David & Shannon Jot Kaur (Year 10) at the University of Melbourne

Year 7 & 8

In May, the Year 7 and 8 Logic (extension mathematics) students participated in a workshop entitled “Mathematical Experiments”. They explored the use of randomness, probability and  simulations in a field called mathematical modeling. The University of Melbourne mathematicians explained the application of this to real-word problems such as X-ray radiation. Students conducted their own experiments, getting a glimpse into life as a Mathematics researcher. This experience was valuable in preparing them for their Logic Capstone projects which will be presented in Week 9. 

The Big Science Competition 

On the 24th of May, Elevation Secondary College participated for the first time in the Big Science Competition. We had 50 students from across all year levels represent the school and are now keenly awaiting results. As one of the biggest international science competitions, students were challenged to apply their science knowledge, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills in real-life, contemporary contexts. Thank you to Dr Jessica Beach and Mr Sam Haberman for their support of student enrichment in the field of science!

Up and coming…

Over 50 students are signed up for the Victorian Coding Challenge. It is not too late to join Team Elevation to extend your curious mind, nurture a passion in Technology and refine your coding skills. Email Ms. Alice Hu ( to register. 

Please look out for more extension and enrichment opportunities at Elevation on Compass.

Alice Hu Extension and Enrichment Coordinator

Aspire Shop

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The Aspire Shop has returned for Term 2!

The Aspire shop is a way to reward students that have been demonstrating exceptional behaviors in relation to our school values of:

Aim High, Work Hard and Be Good. 

How it works:

  1. Students earn Aspire points for their hard work
  2. All Aspire points go into the Mentor Group Aspire Raffle drawn every fortnight
  3. Winner is randomly selected and receive an Aspire Shop Entry Ticket
  4. Students may also get ‘Mentor Group Teacher Award’ for receiving the most outstanding Aspire of the fortnight for their Mentor Group.
  5. Students that receive an Aspire Shop Entry Ticket can access the Aspire Shop and spend the Aspire Points that have earned through the year to purchase items. 

Congratulations to students that have already received an Aspire Shop Entry Ticket and to the students that have already made their first purchases!

For everyone else, the more Aspire Points that you earn the more likely you are to get drawn and the more Aspire Points you have to spend at the Aspire Shop!

Aspire Community Supporters

The Aspire Shop has many items that students are able to purchase. These items include pens, fidget spinners, frisbees, basketballs and many other items. But we would like to also thank the community supporters that generously donate from their businesses to the Aspire Shop.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following community supporters who have kindly donated to the Aspire shop to inspire and motivate our students to achieve in our school and in our community.

Aspire News | Term 2 2023 Edition 61

If you would like to be involved in the Aspire Community Supporter program, please email the school at to see how you are able to support the students in achieving in the school and wider community.

Aspire of the Month

This year we are introducing ‘Aspire of the Month’. This is to recognise students that have demonstrated exceptional values of Aim High, Work Hard and Be Good within the school community.

Aspire’s of the Month

Aim High: Sanarya 7H

Work Hard: Janav 7I

Be Good: Sahar 7B

Aspire News | Term 2 2023 Edition 62

Well done to all our award winners this month. Our Year 7 students are leading in the front this Term!

Keep up the good work and remember you can use your Aspire points at the Aspire Shop!

Elevation Community News

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End of Term Book Returns

All library books must be returned by Friday June 16, 2023

There are still a number of overdue loans from Term 1, particularly from Year 7 students.

If you have a student in Year 7 please check in with them to see if they have any library books, as it is likely they are overdue and the students will have been receiving email reminders about them.

We do not charge late fees, so students should not be put-off returning books, and if books are lost or damaged, we ask that students let the library know so as soon as possible so that we can replace them.

  • Students may borrow over the holidays, but only once they have returned existing loans.
  • Check Elevation email for overdue notices and return books by Friday 16 June.
  • Mentor group teachers will be provided with lists of outstanding loans and will be following up during mentor group sessions.

Canteen Ordering

We are pleased to advise our families that the College Canteen is open. It will be operated by Bocca Foods.

Attached to this news feed is the menu which is being offered.  All orders can be placed online on

Register your child/children. Enter their Year Level, in the box which reads Classroom will be their mentor group.  All of which is found on Compass. 

You can order students lunch by 9am and pay online.

”Bocca Foods prefer online ordering.”  This assists with ordering and catering, and will reduce lines and waiting time for food.

Lunch can be purchased from the counter using CASH and EFTPOS

STRICTLY NO PAYMENTS BY MOBILE OR SMART WATCHES.  Under Ministerial Order phones must not be used and will not be accepted.

We are also teaching students how to use the canteen space appropriately and respectfully. 

Canteen Notice

Recently, some students have been bringing in $100 notes to purchase food from the canteen. Just a reminder for students to please bring in ONLY small denominations as it will make it easier for our canteen team. Thank you.

Early Leaving Policy

School attendance is very important.
Students are required to attend school for the entire day. If there is an unavoidable reason for a student to leave school early on a particular day (such as for a medical appointment) a signed note from home must be provided.
Pickup times should coincide with recess and lunch.

  • Student brings a note from home explaining the absence and the intended departure time (recess or lunch). The note must be signed and dated by a parent/guardian
  • Student presents the note from home to the Mini School Admin Office before Mentor Group.
  • Student receives a signed Early Leaver note from the mini school.
  • At recess or lunch – the student brings the early Leaver note to the Administration Office and signs out.
  • Student is picked up

If a pickup time can only be during a timetabled period, the student must show their signed Early Leaver note to their classroom teacher at the designated time and then present to the office to be picked up.
School staff will not be collecting students from classes during timetabled periods.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they arrive at the office for pickup at the designated time.
Learning is extremely important at Elevation Secondary College. Please note that staff cannot collect your child or put an announcement over speakers during class time.

Recess and Lunch Times
Recess –  10:56 – 11:24am
Lunch – 1:20 – 2:02pm

Elevation Online Safety Hub Article of the Month

Being excluded online

“Everyone else has Snapchat!” “I’m getting left out because you won’t let me have TikTok.”

You may have heard multiple variations of these pleas from your child and you’re certainly not alone. Here are our top tips for managing device-driven nagging.

Click here to read this article.

Written by Online Safety Expert & Psychologist, Teodora Pavkovic

Aspire News | Term 2 2023 Edition 64

To read more articles from Elevation Online Safety Hub, click this link below.

Local Community Notices

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College Uniform Store

As you are aware Noone, our uniform provider, have been operating a small shop from the College every Thursday to provide a convenient service for our families.

The uniform will no longer operate at the College as Noone have leased a new store right here in Craigieburn Junction shopping precinct and have offically opened their door to for business.

The new store is located at:
Shop A2-E
420-440 Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn 3064
Store located on Crn Craigieburn Rd and Aitken Blvd next to Carpet Call in the Shopping Precinct.

Trading hours are:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 9am-1pm

Aspire News | Term 2 2023 Edition 66

Sustainable School Shop

Aspire News | Term 2 2023 Edition 67

Any Parents/Guardians who are looking to buy or sell their second-hand uniforms or text books please visit the Sustainable Schools website to list or purchase items:

So far the results have been very good and we encourage families to take advantage of this method of buying and selling second-hand items.

Here is a how to guide to get you started:

For more information about the Winter School Holiday Program, CLICK HERE.

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Important Dates 2023

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Term Dates

  • Last Day of Term 2- 23rd June (Early finish 1.20pm)
  • Term 3 Commences- Monday 10th July
  • Last Day of Term 3- Friday 15th September (Early finish 1.20pm)
  • Term 4 Commence- Monday 2nd October
  • Last Day of Term 4- Wednesday 20th December (Early finish 12.22pm)

Year 10 Exams

  • Wednesday 14th to Friday 16th June

Year 10 Work Experience

  • Monday 19th to Friday 23rd June

Student Learning Conferences

  • Thursday 10th August
  • Friday 11th August

Curriculum & Student Free Days

  • Tuesday 13th June
  • Wednesday 30th August

Public Holidays

  • Monday 12th June – King’s Birthday
  • Tuesday 1st November – Melbourne Cup Day