Student Learning Conferences & Subject Selection Days
Our Student Learning Conference Program is a well established learning activity at Elevation Secondary College. Our students and teachers prepare for the conferences in great depth, which allows our students to lead the discussion of their learning.
As usual, we encourage families to book in conferences with as many teachers as they can fit into their schedule – in order to gain a complete picture of their child’s development. We do ask that all families book in a conference with their Mentor Group teacher as a minimum.
This year we have expanded the conferences over two days to allow more families opportunities to book in with their child’s teachers, but also to allow year 9 and 10 students opportunities to have in depth subject selection conversations.
Current Year 10 students are required to make separate bookings to discuss their subject selection going into Year 11. This is compulsory for year 10 students.
Year 9 students going into Year 10 nay attend an optional Subject selection interview.
Subject selection bookings must be completed using the separate booking link and appointments last 16 minutes- with a careers advisor, or member of the leadership team.
ABCN- Australian Business & Community Network
Since opening in 2020 we have had a powerful partnership with ABCN, the Australian Business and Community Network. This organisation links corporate organisations and volunteers with schools, for impactful learning and aspiration building. Our students have had the opportunity to engage in a range of activities in the last four years, including a number this year.
Recent School Visits
Throughout this term and last we have had a number of visits from various organisations interested in the teaching and learning programs at Elevation Secondary College. This includes various academics from partner universities and teacher training programs. We have also welcomed senior representatives from the Victorian School Building Authority and various levels of the Department of Education.
All our visitors have been impressed by the learning happening in classes around the school and the great work of our teachers.
Traffic outside the front of the school on Elevation Boulevard at pick up and drop off time can be hectic. We understand that with roadworks and development happening constantly in our area, it can be hard to get around Craigieburn at times. This is not a reason to drive dangerously or aggressively near the school.
Student safety when travelling to and from school is paramount and a responsibility of the whole community. I ask all members of the Elevation Community to remember this- no matter how rushed you are.
Please drive carefully and safely near the school.
By Colin Burke