Stage 2 Update
Our building program is progressing well – despite the ongoing international issues with supply chains. We are still on track for a practical completion of the buildings in December and full handover in January – ready for the new school year.
Some aspects of the project will begin to be delivered from next term:
- The 2 new hardcourts are scheduled to be delivered to us at the start of term 3, ready for student use
- Work in the Science classrooms will begin on the first day of the school holidays and will continue for 2 – 6 weeks into term 3. This means we will have 3 full operational science labs by part of the way through term 3
- The turf for the school oval has been laid and surrounding areas hydroseeded. Hopefully an early spring with plenty of sun will see the oval open for student use by term 4.
The rest of the facilities will be handed over for 2023.

Recent Curriculum Day
Our recent Curriculum Day on June 10th was a great success. As some of you may know, we have been working with two of our local primary schools: Keelonith Primary and Aitken Hill Primary – to train our staff in the Berry Street Trauma Informed model of education. This model already underpins a lot of what we do at Elevation Secondary College, but we are now working across schools, to build consistency of teacher practice within the local area.
Our aim is that by working together, we create a new consistent way of relating to students within our schools, that builds academic stamina, resilience and better student learning.
Our schools have already undertaken two days of training in the program this year and will undertake two more next year. We’ll continue working together in the coming years to consolidate this learning in our community.

Senior School Information Night
It was great to see so many families – particularly year 9 families – attend our Senior School Information Evening approximately a month ago. Ms Loudon, Ms Lane and Mr Schutz were able to outline what our senior school will look like and how we will be implementing the VCE and VCE Vocational Major over the next few years.
Year 8 and 9 families should keep an eye on Compass for important 2023 subject selection information events – which will be happening in term 3.
The aim of the form is to let our staff know which students are likely to be attending on any given night. You will still need to tell your child that you have signed them up and expect them to attend.
Student Representative Council (SRC)
SRC have been working well together in Term 2 to build a strong team with the goal of improving student voice within the school. They have had sessions discussing the ‘big issues’ students see at Elevation Secondary College, and have come up with some ‘big ideas’ that they would like to focus on for the rest of the year.
Some of the key takeaways from the term have been the SRC’s desire to make sure students can have their say about issues at school and making sure that students are following school rules and taking pride in our school spaces.
In Term 3 our SRC will start up an anonymous suggestion box and a Principals Advisory Committee so that they can let our leadership team know what they have been working on in our meetings. They are looking forward to making a difference within our school community.
Julia Rossi, SRC facilitator (teacher).
End of semester reports
Semester 1 reports will be published on Friday 24th June on Compass. This report contains all the key assessment information for your child for semester 1. We encourage all families to find the time to sit with their child and discuss the report.
A discussion at home can help students and families to understand how their child is performing at school and where areas for improvement might be.
Staffing changes
We have several changes to our teaching staff for the second half of the year.
We will be welcoming back both Ms Stacey Smith and Ms Rachelle Cole from family leave. Both Ms Cole and Ms Smith are foundation staff members at the school and are well known to our community.
We will be welcoming Ms Gulsen Tankir (English/Humanities) and Mr Aaron Jaraba (Science and Technology) to our teaching staff. Both are highly experienced teachers with a great amount to offer to our school.
We also welcome Ms Ariel Jordan who will be joining us for the rest of the year from the United States.
During term 3 both Ms Loudon and Ms Calder will be taking Family Leave. We wish them both all the best in this joyous time.
Mr Bradilovic (Science) will be finishing up with us at the end of this term and moving to another opportunity.

Term 2
I would like to thank the Elevation Secondary College community for their understanding and support in these uncertain times.
We work hard at this school to maintain continuity of learning in the face of continuing COVID pressures and community illness. Our teaching staff have been impacted by illness also.
You may have seen or read in the news this year – that there are considerable shortages of replacement teachers and teachers in general right across Australia. We have certainly noticed that trend this year.
We have had some periods of time in this first half of the year with very little staff illness and absence and other times with a considerable amount.
In all circumstances our staff have stepped up to keep the school running. All our teachers have completed extra classes and yard duties this year in order to keep the school running. In many cases our staff have stepped in to take over and above what they are expected to do within their normal duties. I would like to thank all our staff for their continuing work, effort and commitment to support our students and keep the school running in this first half of the year.