Academic Catchup and Homework Club Starting Term 2
Later in this newsletter, you will find information regarding our new Academic Effort and Rigour system, which will be opened up to parents on Compass before the end of this term. This will give families access to fortnightly data from all teachers on how well their child is interacting with others, using classtime and completing their learning.
In support of this – during term 2, Elevation Secondary College is re-launching Homework Club and introducing an additional layer of support for students – Academic Catchup sessions.
Homework Club
Homework Club will run in the library for two afternoons a week and will be supported by teaching staff. Any student can attend Homework Club to complete homework, catchup on learning or complete some extra study.
Academic Catchup
Academic Catchup is different. Students who are significantly behind in their learning will be allocated to Academic Catchup classes. Students who have not completed classwork, homework or common assessment tasks, despite being given opportunities by classroom teachers to do so. Students allocated to Academic Catchup classes (which will run on two afternoons per week) will be expected to complete set work allocated by one or more of their classroom teachers, under the supervision of a classroom teacher. When a student is allocated to Academic Catchup – we are doing so as it is essential for their learning progress to do so.
Our expectation is that parents and guardians will support the school when their child is allocated to an academic catchup session.
The Academic Catchup session is not a detention, it is designed to give them time to complete essential learning that they have not yet completed in regular classtime, for homework, or in Homework Club.
For many students attending one or two academic catchup sessions will be enough to help them re-prioritize completion of work in class and homework.
Full details on both Homework Club and Academic Catchup will be sent via Compass next term.
Year 7 Camp
Through the ingenuity and persistence of our team, we have somehow managed to run three consecutive year 7 camps despite COVID’s best efforts to cancel them.
This year our students headed to Forest Edge in Gippsland, a new location. Our staff reported great participation from students in the activities and good levels of teamwork.
Thanks to Kim Calder for organizing and Matina Konstantinakos, Julia Rossi, Mark Favoloro, Casey Cesarin, Dean James, Josh Fielding, Liesl Albion and Yinmu Liu for attending. It’s important to note that teachers do not receive any extra pay or time for attending camp and many give up significant time away from their families and regular lives to ensure students have great experiences.
Student Learning Conferences
A last minute reminder that our Student Learning Conferences are running next Monday, the 4th of April.
Families can book via Compass – Conferences section. We ask that each family attend a meeting with the Personal Development/Mentor Group teacher as a minimum and encourage you all to attend.
Berry Street – Trauma Informed Learning Curriculum Day
This coming Friday we will be undertaking the first of four days training in the Berry Street Trauma Informed Learning Program. This program has already been established within our school, however this training allows all teaching and non teaching staff access to the training, hopefully gaining more consistency of practice across our classrooms.
I have worked with Pete Hansen – Principal of Aitken Hill Primary School and Loren Peavey – Principal of Keelonith Primary School to establish a cluster of schools that will complete the training together over the two years. Our hope is that by working with two of our main local primary schools, we can develop better consistency of practice across all schools and better relationships and networks between our staff.
This is a significant investment in professional learning and a major focus for us in the current strategic plan.
Kim Calder our Year 7 Leading Teacher has done an amazing job of organizing the training and our first day this coming Friday.
Instrumental Music and Band
This term we have launched our Year 9 Band program – as an extension of our Instrumental Music Program. The band meets each Friday morning between 8:30 and 9:30 and have been rehearsing a number of songs. Students involved in our Instrumental Music program at year 7 and 8 who show a high level aptitude in their instrument may be asked to join the band later in the year.
If you have interest in your child learning an instrument or joining the band program, please call the office for details on how to sign up for lessons.
Term 2 Staff Changes
We have had a number of staffing changes recently and some more heading into term 2.
Emily Bonaccorsi-Hannan and Nijma Awl have joined our team of classroom aides earlier this term.
Melissa Harrison has joined the administration team this Term in her position as First Aide/Enrolments.
Both Mrs. Vella and Ms. Gooch Andrew will be taking family leave for the rest of the year starting from term 2. We wish them all the best of luck and happiness at this exciting time.
Mr. Mike Muscat will be joining us from term 2 as an English and Humanities teacher.