Literacy and Numeracy Intervention Programs
The fundamentals of student learning at Elevation Secondary College are founded in students’ ability to access core literacy and numeracy skills. At Elevation, we utilise the Department of Education and Trainings funding to ensure middle school students have every opportunity to achieve in these core areas.
Elevation has programs currently running in years seven, eight and nine, that aid students who, for a number of reasons, have been assessed as below the minimum standard for their age group.

Students will be withdrawn minimally from other subjects, but the programs are designed to boost skills in Maths and English which will improve outcomes across all classes.
Elevation has a number of levels of programs that allow students to access content at the level where the need support, these include intensive “Maths Pathway” classes, which support students to build on numeracy skills, and Macqlit, which focuses on teaching reading, word recognition and spelling, and also complementary curriculum programes that enable more focus on the mainstream curriculum to support students in both Maths and English.
Please Contact Alex Mangoine or Matthew Williamson for further information.
Q & A
On August 4, 13 of our year 9 Media and Society, Power and Politics students were invited by the ABC to be in the live studio audience of their ‘Q and A’ Program. The students loved being part of the audience and getting a behind the scenes look at how a television program is made.
They were able to listen to panellists such as Larry Marshall the Chief Executive of the CSIRO, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and disability advocate Hannah Diviney. The students were all very excited on the bus ride home – especially when they started receiving messages and pictures from friends who had seen them on the TV!

Library News
The library collection continues to grow and the most recently fulfilled student requests have just been added to the ‘Recent and Decent’ display. As well as perusing the display, students are encouraged to revisit the Request Padlet on the library website to see if their request has been fulfilled. We cannot fulfil all requests, so please remember to be specific (author, title, series) to increase the likelihood of seeing your requested book in the collection.
Thank you to all those who have already submitted entries to the bookmark design competition. The deadline has been extended to 4pm Tuesday 6 September, email ellen.stephens@elevationsc.vic.edu.au with any questions.

There is now a catalogue search computer station in the library to make exploring and accessing the collection even easier.
As we head towards the end of term, please remember to check lockers, bags and under the bed for any overdue library books. Students can check if they have any current loans by logging in to the library website. Access the site via Elevation saved bookmarks or the Compass star menu and select ‘sign in with google’. As always, reminders will also continue to be automatically sent until the books are returned; save yourself the inbox space and get your books in on time!